Anonymous ID: cb0b91 Oct. 26, 2018, 11:34 a.m. No.3615260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5272 >>5273 >>5441 >>5598 >>5650 >>5858 >>5925

Judicial Watch Victory: Federal District Court Reaffirms Constitutionality of Ohio Voting Law, Denies ‘End Run’ Attempt Around Earlier Supreme Court Ruling


Judicial Watch Amicus Curiae Brief Referenced in Court’s Decision


‘This Court recognizes that the extreme relief sought by Plaintiffs on their only remaining claim could potentially be viewed as an end run around the Supreme Court’s decision …’


(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that U.S. District Court Judge George C. Smith for the Southern District of Ohio agreed with Judicial Watch in rejecting an attempt by the AFL-CIO’s Philip Randolph Institute to reinstate 1.5 million potentially ineligible voters onto the voting rolls. Judicial Watch’s amicus curiae brief opposed this radical step because it would harm the public interest, given that so many of the reinstated registrations would be legally invalid because they are associated with voters who are living in other states or are deceased (Phillip Randolph Institute, et al., v. Jon Husted, Ohio Secretary of State (No. 2:16-cv-00303)).


This second failed challenge to Ohio’s voter law came after the U.S. Supreme Court, on June 11, 2018, upheld an Ohio law providing that the State had to send address confirmation notices to all registered voters who had not voted in the previous two years. This ruling has the effect of also upholding a 2014 settlement agreement between Judicial Watch and Ohio, which required Ohio to use that same procedure as part of a regular Supplemental Mailing designed to identify whether registered Ohio voters had moved away – one of many steps intended to fulfill Ohio’s obligations under the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) to maintain the integrity of its voter list.


In his October 10 ruling, Judge Smith warned that the latest court challenge “could potentially be viewed as an end run around the Supreme Court’s decision …”


Judicial Watch filed amicus briefs at each stage of the Supreme Court litigation, supporting Ohio’s voter-integrity efforts and settlement agreement with Judicial Watch as the case progressed from the trial court all the way up to the Supreme Court, which ultimately upheld Ohio’s Supplemental Process and returned the case to the District Court. Judicial Watch Attorney Robert Popper, the director of the organization’s Election Integrity Project, joined with five other former attorneys of the Civil Rights Division Attorneys of the Justice Department to file an amici curiae brief in the Husted case.


“Great news: another federal court turned aside a leftist attempt to dirty up the voting rolls and undermine clean elections. Dirty voting rolls can mean dirty elections. We will keep pushing in the courts to make sure other states take reasonable steps to make sure the names of dead people and people who have moved away are removed from election rolls,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “After comparing national census data to voter roll information, Judicial Watch estimates that there are 3.5 million more names on state voter rolls than there are citizens of voting age.”


Judicial Watch is the national leader in enforcing the list maintenance provisions of the NVRA. In addition to its settlement agreement with Ohio, Judicial Watch’s win in Kentucky resulted in a historic consent decree requiring Kentucky to take steps to clean its election rolls. Judicial Watch has also filed a successful NVRA lawsuit against Indiana, causing it to voluntarily clean up its voting rolls and has lawsuits with the State of Maryland, as well as California and Los Angeles County for their failure to comply with Section 8 of the NVRA. The lawsuits against California and Maryland are ongoing.


In North Carolina, Judicial Watch supported implementation of the state’s election integrity reform laws, filing amicus briefs in the Supreme Court in March 2017. And in April 2018, Judicial Watch filed an amicus brief in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in support of Alabama’s voter ID law. In Georgia, Judicial Watch filed an amicus brief in support of Secretary Brian Kemp’s list maintenance process against a lawsuit by left-wing groups. Judicial Watch and Georgia won when the lawsuit was dismissed after the Supreme Court’s ruling in Ohio.

Anonymous ID: cb0b91 Oct. 26, 2018, 11:35 a.m. No.3615274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5289 >>5297 >>5417 >>5443 >>5575

Defaming Prophet Muhammad not free expression, European court rules


The ruling from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) comes after an Austrian national defamed Prophet Muhammad’s marriage in her seminars held in 2009.


Defaming the Prophet Muhammad “goes beyond the permissible limits of an objective debate” and “could stir up prejudice and put at risk religious peace” and thus exceeds the permissible limits of freedom of expression, ruled the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) on Thursday, upholding a lower court decision.


The decision by a seven-judge panel came after an Austrian national identified as Mrs. S. held two seminars in 2009, entitled “Basic Information on Islam,” in which she defamed Prophet Muhammad’s marriage.


According to a statement released by the court on Thursday, the Vienna Regional Criminal Court in February 2011 convicted Mrs. S. for disparaging religious doctrines.


She was fined approximately $547 and the costs of the proceedings.


“Mrs. S. appealed but the Vienna Court of Appeal upheld the decision in December 2011, confirming, in essence, the lower court’s findings. A request for the renewal of the proceedings was dismissed by the Supreme Court on 11 December 2013,” it said.

Anonymous ID: cb0b91 Oct. 26, 2018, 11:39 a.m. No.3615325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5379 >>5544 >>5732

Apple CEO Tim Cook Says Being Gay 'Is God's Greatest Gift to Me'


On Thursday afternoon, Apple CEO Tim Cook described his homosexuality as "God's greatest gift to me," because it enables him to inspire young people struggling with LGBT identities. He said he "came out" in order to inspire them, and he described his sexual orientation toward other men as a gift from God. In Russia, however, his company hides its LGBT-branded products, suggesting a double standard.


"I was public because I began to receive stories from kids who read something online that I was gay and they were going through being bullied, feeling like their family didn't love them, being pushed out of their home, very close to suicide, things that really just pulled my heart," Cook told CNN's Christine Amanpour.


"I started saying, 'I am a private person,'" the Apple CEO recounted. He later realized "that is a selfish thing to do at this point. I need to be bigger than that. I need to do something for them and show them that you can be gay and still go on and do some big jobs in life, that there is a path there."


Then Cook declared, "To me, it is God's greatest gift to me."


Tim Cook has not publicly discussed his religious beliefs. Christians and Jews who follow the plain text of the Bible would not consider homosexuality to be a gift from God. While having a homosexual orientation is not considered a sin in Christianity, acting on it is considered a sin.


Christians believe that all people are born with proclivities toward sin and temptation, and same-sex attraction fits into that category.


That said, Christians should also unequivocally condemn the kind of bullying and harassment that drives many people with LGBT identities to consider suicide. All human beings are made in the image of God and have infinite value and worth.


Tim Cook's efforts to inspire young people in these horrible situations are laudable, even though many Christians would also warn that Cook is inspiring sinful thoughts and attitudes.


Fitting with Cook's orientation, Apple as a company has taken a very public pro-LGBT stance — even to the degree of partnering with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a far-Left organization that brands mainstream conservative Christian groups "hate groups" for disagreeing with LGBT activism.


Notably, however, Apple does not present the same face in every country — literally. The Apple Watch has a rainbow LGBT background available, but the software prevents a user from bringing up that watch face in Russia.


Tom Warren, senior editor at The Verge, pointed out this hard-wired stance.

Anonymous ID: cb0b91 Oct. 26, 2018, 11:40 a.m. No.3615335   🗄️.is 🔗kun

World's billionaires became 20% richer in 2017, report reveals


Billionaires made more money in 2017 than in any year in recorded history. The richest people on Earth increased their wealth by a fifth to $8.9tn (£6.9tn), according to a report by Swiss bank UBS.


The fortunes of today’s super-wealthy have risen at a far greater rate than at the turn of the 20th century, when families such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Vanderbilts controlled vast wealth. The report by UBS and accountants PwC said there was so much money in the hands of the ultra-rich that a new wave of rich and powerful multi-generational families was being created.


“The past 30 years have seen far greater wealth creation than the Gilded Age” the UBS Billionaires 2018 report said. “That period bred generations of families in the US and Europe who went on to influence business, banking, politics, philanthropy and the arts for more than 100 years. With wealth set to pass from entrepreneurs to their heirs in the coming years, the 21st century multi-generational families are being created.”


The world’s 2,158 billionaires grew their combined wealth by $1.4tn last year, more than the GDP of Spain or Australia, as booming stock markets helped the already very wealthy to achieve the “greatest absolute growth ever”.


More than 40 of the 179 new billionaires created last year inherited their wealth, and given the number of billionaires over 70 the report’s authors expect a further $3.4tn to be handed down over the next 20 years.


“A major wealth transition has begun,” the report said. “Over the past five years, the sum passed by deceased billionaires to beneficiaries has grown by an average of 17% each year, to reach $117bn in 2017. In that year alone, 44 heirs inherited more than a billion dollars each.

Anonymous ID: cb0b91 Oct. 26, 2018, 12:18 p.m. No.3615891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5982



It is the end times fren. The end of the 6000 year reign of Lucifer. We are moving thru the apocalypse now. ((They))) changed the meaning of the word when converting to English.





1.the complete final destruction of the world, as described in the biblical book of Revelation.

"the bell's ringing is supposed to usher in the Apocalypse"



Greek translation of "Apocalypse" means "lifting of the veil"


We are lifting the viel of lies to expose the truth and move the world toward the1000 year reign of the lord before ascension.