Everybody was taking pictures of this fan, like fucking tourist attraction.
Come to Florida. See the everglades, Disney world, and the Maga-tranny van.
Everybody was taking pictures of this fan, like fucking tourist attraction.
Come to Florida. See the everglades, Disney world, and the Maga-tranny van.
So between stripping, cage fighting, grand larceny, and 2002 bomb threats, when exactly was this guy a professional soccer player?
Fuck collageanon. Was shilly from day one. Now getting even more shilly.
Agreed BO around these parts is Board Owener or Bruce ohr. Got a bajillion names for Hussein besides BO.
Seriously. Every time something happens we are all here taking about 16d chess. I agree we shouldn't take the official narrative at face value, but really, the theories that get spitballed around here make your head spin trying to keep track of who is whitehat/blackhat.