US and Them
Have you asked yourselves what this divide across our Nation really is? Why the struggle to take down a duly elected President really is? Cause and effect? How possibly could the lucrative Clinton foundation literally dried up overnight when she lost? if it wasn’t pay to play? REALLY ASK YOURSELVE “Think mirror” do you really think progressive democrat’s represent progress NO they want you common to the core; thus common core education, they want you and yours dumbed down to keep “US and Them ALIVE” can’t you see it? They represent big governess, they want to tell you what to think, what to eat, how long you live, what is the mirror of progress? Retardation! They do not want a government for the people by the people, they really believe you are retarded and the government is for them! so they can govern you as their will decides “not your will” Chucky boy Schumer wrote off more last year than the people he supposedly represents make;s in a year with two or three jobs, How many houses does Chucky boy have? How can Maxi Waters live in a multi-million dollar home and her constituents have a medium house hold income of $44,000.00 working two or three jobs? Think disconnect, when living in luxury vs. poverty, what would they do to keep it? ANYTHING as they have shown. How does Nancy Pelo”see” keep up a multi-million dollar home when her constituents have a medium household income of $48,500.00 in California no less, again working two and three jobs. What would you do? Could you really throw people with preexisting conditions under the bus to die as obumer proposes, human beings that worked their entire lives, HERE in America paying taxes to “THEM” Why? Who paid obumers college tuition? Could it have been a Saudi Prince? WHY? Truly ask yourselves “what do want for your Children.
I Just do not understand the disconnect of some, at all, ever