Anonymous ID: aa87d6 Oct. 26, 2018, 12:35 p.m. No.3616144   🗄️.is 🔗kun

California won't enforce net neutrality law as DOJ halts lawsuit


California has agreed to temporarily halt enforcement of its expansive new net neutrality law as part of an agreement reached with the Department of Justice (DOJ) on Friday.

The DOJ and California reached an agreement to postpone their court battle over the state's law while a federal appeals court decides the fate of the 2015 repeal of federal net neutrality rules.

Under the agreement, detailed in filings with a federal court in California, the state won't take any action to enforce its law that was passed late last month while the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) repeal is being litigated.

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, who pushed through the repeal last year, said the move was a major concession by net neutrality supporters.

“I am pleased that California has agreed not to enforce its onerous Internet regulations," Pai said in a statement. "This substantial concession reflects the strength of the case made by the United States earlier this month. It also demonstrates, contrary to the claims of the law’s supporters, that there is no urgent problem that these regulations are needed to address."

Anonymous ID: aa87d6 Oct. 26, 2018, 1:09 p.m. No.3616600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6612 >>6618 >>6669 >>6687

Black GOP Senate contender: 'Godless' Dems want 'black folks dependent on the government'


Michigan Republican Senate candidate John James charged in a new campaign ad Friday morning that Democrats don't value black voters, and only want to keep blacks dependent on the government so they can stay in power.

"The Democratic business model is reliant upon keeping black folks dependent on the government," James said in the ad. "Countless people have died for our right to think and to vote for ourselves, yet Democratic leadership asks us to outsource our voice on a straight-ticket ballot to a godless party that neither represents our values nor our economic best interests."

“We've marched from Selma to New York, we’ve rebelled from Watts to Detroit, and ain’t nothing changed in 50 years," he said. "The Democratic Party leadership cares more about the black vote than the black people. And it’s time to wake up."

James, a West Point graduate who served as a commander in aviation missions in Iraq, released his new ad in Detroit on the same day that former president Barack Obama is set to visit that city to campaign for Democrat Debbie Stabenow.

Stabenow has consistently held a healthy double-digit lead over James, but has seen that cushion evaporate in the past month.

On Thursday, a Free Press poll conducted by EPIC-MRA of Lansing Michigan put her lead at 7 percentage points. That same poll showed her up 23 points in September.