Anonymous ID: 7b54cb Oct. 26, 2018, 2:03 p.m. No.3617289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7312 >>7338 >>7380 >>7405 >>7458

1: why would a MAGA supporter do this 2 weeks before midterms when we are winning?

2: Notice how all the original bombs were sent to people not currently in power (DWS doesn't count, she was return address). The bomber was sending packages up til yesterday.

3: fake maga van

4: registered dem or rep? As a felon?

5: many felonies, in different states - gun/drug runner? Would explain why he had to tell people it wasn't him with the LV deal

6: how did packages get hand delivered? All on same day?

7: why was it a journalist that had photos from 31 Dec 17 that had them ready to drop 4 minutes after his name was released?

8: the bombs would have been physically incapable of exploding. Plastic piping doesnt restrict enough, these would literally have only been capable of burning.

9: brand new paint job and stickers, curious timing, almost as if he was paid in advance for this. Is he paying off aome other debt right now?

10: If he mailed them all, and they were all the same, how did some of them come back rejected for being overweight (not enough postage) but others Apparently passed through while somehow missing the postal stamp or barcodes that void out the stamps?


Heres the thing. On the face of it, the narrative is correct. This guy was a trump supporting fanatic who decided to mail out bombs for (?) reason.


But I call bullshit. Q says to trust Wray. I have no feeling any which way on him so remain neutral - hes a good guy doing his job. I doubt he examined the devices himself and relied on others to provide him reports.


And that is really where the fuckery comes in. We pointed out yesterday that it was going to be Broward County. Waaaay before we knew any other information. Why?

Because we all KNOW Broward county is corrupt as fuck. DWS district. Sheriff Israel and the Miami Dade PD. And lets not forget that even the FBI there is fucked. Remember Parkland? And how they identified the dumbass and let him go? How about Pulse nightclub and the fuckery around that?


DWS. Sheriff Israel. Comped Florida FBI. Trust Wray? Ok. Trust these fucks who have betrayed the american public time and time again? Fuck no. Think they are incapable of planting evidence? I most certainly do. Think they are capable of participating in this conspiracy? Absolutely.


And speaking of Pulse. I can almost guarantee that this gay, drugged out, stripper felon Cesar Sayoc was at that club at some point.


My point is, the media is looking for an open and shut case on a Crazy Right Wing Bomber. He is quite literally the leftist dreamy boogeyman. Perfect. Add it in with Hillarys tweet and i think this was his trigger. Curious that out of all the liberals he was following on twitter, she wasn't on the list.


Except that we don't believe the media anymore. The faith and trust in those particular Police Departments and FBI offices are gone thanks to their own corruption and incompetence.


This whole thing was a setup. The question is, when will the truth come out? We know based on past historical precedents things like this will be quickly and quietly swept under the rug.


Will that be the case here? Or are we autist enough to force the truth? Only we can defeat this attempt. Lets do what we do best. Fight the media narrative and their attempts to frame us. We are the party and movement of Law and Order. And we win in the sphere of ideas and memes.


Not by sending firebombs. Thats a leftist tactic - historically documented.