Anonymous ID: cc9e40 Oct. 26, 2018, 2:46 p.m. No.3617742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7783

So, yeah. Right? Check it out. Why no Q’s?

Why? No Q’s? Why. Why? Why??

None. POTUS Attacked. No Q’s.

TRUMP DID THIS with his rhetoric and his rallies full of hate speech. Claiming wire taps and lock her up chants. He’s doing this with a violent tone. Now there are false flag conspiracies about these bombs and how disgraceful!



Catching on yet?


No Q’s on a van for the world to see. Perfect way to end a cult. Ruin a movement. Planted van. Check. Planted muh Trump pics. Check. Hillary killshot. Check. Qs? ……Q’s? Bob did you forget the Q’s again? Everyone watching. Debunk and end it.


No Q’s.
