>>3619002 lb
So, National Socialism and Communism are the same?
This is what you are trying to say?
I am saying that POTUS said Nationalism tonight, Hitler said the same thing.
Yes, they are opposed to Communism. I am not saying Nationalism is bad, I am just pointing out that POTUS' words point towards fascism.
Not a bad thing, something we need at this point in time.
Communism must be defeated here!
But yet Trump wants to reform Obama Care/Socialist Health care…Trump is not only Nationalist but a Socialist.
If he wasn't …he would be Libertarian.
A libertarian he is not.
He is definitely a National Socialist.
I am not saying that's a terrible bad thing.
I support this philosophy.
This is something that must come to pass.
It doesn't mean "holohoaxes" and gas chambers for Mexicans…
It's about making life good for Americans!
Making the NATION great!
Not other NATIONS!
Communism is the opposite of this.
Communism is about spreading socialism across the entire board.
National Socialism is a good thing!
That's my opinion.
All those bombs would have done, if it was possible, was maybe burn a finger with a little bit of heat.
Morning Sun Brings HEAT.
Q team orchestrated dud bombs with Military Intelligence.
Used Military high tech to deliver.
Created a "patsy".
Delivered "bombs" to targets that will be arrested and tried for TREASON.
Using this as an OPTIC for the NATION and all AMERICANS.
Anons know!
This is a White Hat Op…not a Black Hat Op.
Purposely done in the county of Broward to send message to Hillary boot licker and School shooting cover upper…Sheriff Israel.
We are entering into EMPIRE, Anon. Haven't you got that gut feeling yet?
Empire will be Nationalist or Communist.
Which would you prefer?
This is spiritual warfare…not a physical one.
Ask yourself what it means to become an Empire.
America is entering into that reality and will be severely opposed by it's communist enemies.
You see it in the media right now.
This fuckers are coming for YOUR country!
Nationalism is the proper choice before we are destroyed!
White Hats delivered "bombs" the same way that Q team delivered the Big Blue Q to Fredrick in his gated community.
This is Important to understand!