I'm confused now. I just spent the entire day ( and more) on this bomb subject and found this is BS with falsified records and missing info required by law to be there and POTUS calls it over and suspect in custody. Anyone have a theory why? I found NOTHING to prove it true and every reason to call BS. Do I believe POTUS or my own lying eyes?
yeah, maybe he made a fast arrest to shut down the hype they had planned to last until elections in order to get back on track. I mean, what are they going to do , call him a liar? Imagine how that plays out. " We know you got the wrong guy because we planned this and we had many guys involved. This guy isn't one of them"
yeah, I caught myself after a minute or 2 and think he paraded a ghost as the perp. The ghost is clear to us now but we better see major fast justice after the midterms! We have had to swallow back a lot of BS in hopes we get the chance to have ducks line up.
now that am thinking on those lines. That also explains the lack of postal markings on the pics of the packages while the FBI insists they tracked the postal markings. POTUS gets to control the release of info and he showed BS on postal marks while letting CNN step in it claiming it was mailed. CNN had to retract. He let Biden claim he got a package more than an hour later he had FBI announce Biden's package got lost. ( how did Biden know he got a package if it was lost at the post office before ever coming to him?) He let Kamala Harris claim she got a package scare only to get debunked but later give her a package.
I saw something in an earlier bread and let it slide because I was busy. ANONS It is illegal to post the social security number in it's entirety! DON'T DO IT NO MATTER WHAT use XXXX on the last 4 digits but never post it in full
I hope Q is lurking. I love you POTUS. Your voice sounds over worked. We are in the final stretch . We are so close! We'll bring it home for you BUDDY!
>>3619754 POTUS said " I didn't see my face" He means the stickers of his face were put there AFTER he had the suspect vehicle images.