She does have a couple of good points
But who argues politics
With a RealDoll (tm) like that?
She does have a couple of good points
But who argues politics
With a RealDoll (tm) like that?
the rejection of all religious and moral principles,
often in the belief that life is meaningless.
OUR ends justify any means
extreme skepticism maintaining
that nothing in the world
has a real existence.
only the narrative is real
denied the existence
of genuine moral truths or values
do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law
rejected the possibility of knowledge
or communication
you are sheep. Obey or die
asserted the ultimate meaninglessness
or purposelessness of life
or of the universe
we are cogs in a machine
Politically, Nihilism gave rise to Communism, National Socialism,
Fascism, Cultural Marxism, Zionism, Democratic Socialism and Technocracy.
In the 1970's Technocracy, the design of the machine, became the blueprint
For a New International Economic Order
Our fight is against Nihilism in all its forms.
Many people have only a vague idea what Nihilism is and know nothing about the ideas which it grew out of. You have to start by understanding the basics of Social Darwinism and Scientific Monism. Then it will become clear how Nihilism has distilled these down to a pure philosophical ideal, and then the various political movements took nihilism as their ideal and tried to design practical ways to implement it in the real world. Their political movements are only concerned with efficiency, with one best way, no dissent, and manufacturing of the narrative and of public opinion. It hardly matters whether they are left or right when they are beating you over the head and saying, obey us because we are right and you are wrong, we are big and you are small and there ain't NOTHING you can do about it.
The ideology of the Left is based in Marxism, and Karl Marx was actually a practicing Satanist, who formulated communism as a political tool to achieve the Satanic agenda for the world. But even if you don't know or acknowledge this, it is evident just from "judging the fruits" of the Left that they are pushing a Satanic (evil) agenda – promoting atheism, abortion, homosexuality….and many other agendas for the purpose of destroying society.
Analyze the psychology of Satan himself….he is damned and is without hope for redemption. He is jealous of the fact that mankind has the chance for eternal life and joy unimaginable. Thus, he harbors murderous hatred for man. It's the old saying "misery loves company". As such, he desires to steal, murder, destroy – and using every other means to accomplish those wicked aims, including lying and cheating, etc.
Now look at Satan's followers, the Left. Sure, some of them are just well meaning dupes. But a large portion of them are pushing what they know is an evil agenda. They have chosen to join the "dark side". For whatever reason, they either know they are damned and abandoned hope (nihilism) or have chosen to join with evil. They hate those of us who are good, and will inherit eternal life and blessings. Like Satan, they just want to destroy society, and take as many people down with them as they can. They don't even care if they destroy themselves (nihilism), destroy the earth, and reduce their own quality of life, etc. All that matters is their desire to destroy those people they hate….the good and decent people.
Many on the Left are what you might call "born losers". They innately lack the qualities to succeed in the world on their own merit. They see the people who are decent, morally good, and successful – and they are envious of them and hate them, and want to take what they have via force. Since they cannot obtain what they want via their own hard work and skills, they have decided that their best option in our current world is via the "democratic" process and joining with other losers to vote to steal the wealth of the good people.
The Left is who truly hates women. Abortion destroys the souls of the women murdering their children, and (of course) murders tens of millions of unborn female children. And the ideology of feminism is a weapon designed not to "empower" women, but rather to teach them to hate men and seek careers rather than families (which is against what women were designed by the Creator to do, which is have families and raise children).
The Marxist Left doesn't just hate women, but it hates ALL of humanity – men, women, and children. Marxism is a fundamentally anti-human ideology. It manifests again in the "global warming" fraud/lie, essentially arguing that humans are a "plague" on the planet, and their population must be drastically cut in order to "save the earth" from the non-existent global warming.
Some people are so totally obsessed with the Jews
That they didn't notice that the Cabal
Are Nihilists
Jew is an irrelevant detail
It is NIHILISM that brough the world COMMUNISM
And the NEW WORLD ORDER based on nihilist ideals
Like political correctness
Now the founders wanted a Novus Ordo Seclorum
But they had a very different view of it.
The Nihilist/Social Darwinists/Scientific Monists
Have infiltrated everything in society to push their view
Of my way or the highway
When you tell me my way or the highway your opinion
Stops at your property line
A society can live with that
But the Nihilists want the elite to make the decisions
And IMPOSE them on everybody
So that the people become sheep who obey orders
I don't really care whether they call themselves liberals or progressives
Or capitalists or fascists or feminists or activists
If they are proposing a NIHILISTIC view of society and politics
Then they are wrong
There must be debate, ALWAYS
There must be disagreement, ALWAYS
There must be competition, ALWAYS
Because that is what uplifts us and makes us strive to succeed.
Nihilists were a subgroup of the Nazis
Technocracy was a nihilist political philosophy that sprouted in North America as a reaction to Communism.
Zbigniew Brzezinski took their plans to the Rockefellers and they used it as the basis of the Trilateral Commission. Technocracy was created by mostly engineers, and the Trilateral Commission was where the elite wealthy powerbrokers adopted the plan and made it their own.
If you want to see where they were coming from, read this
The parallels to the Europeans and their Club of Rome with Limits to Growth should be obvious.
Watch the Water
When Q says most people are good he also means in the Cabal because a lot of well-meaning people got sucked into this. The real evil comes from the cult of con-artists who are the people who learned the art of the con, thousands of years ago, and passed it down in their families. They mastered the art of living high, while others do all the productive work.
These bloodlines have infiltrated just about any organization with power in the Western World, and they have RIGGED the system. The cult of co-artists is MATRIARCHAL. They are ruled by WITCHES which is why POTUS keep exhorting us on a WITCH HUNT to identify the man behind the curtain because that man is actually a woman (or women).