A little slide, but relevant to the bigger Q research.
(They've Been Taunting Us)
X-Files - Season 2 Episode 14 - Aired: Jan 27, 1995 on FOX
"Die Hand Die Verletzt"
"The ritualistic murder of a teenager in a small town gets Mulder and Scully caught up in a secret occult practice within the local school's PTA and a substitute teacher with strange powers."
Watch that episode if you want to get chills & be reminded how we've been (Taunted) by the Cabal with their "Fictional" stories they fed us, that in reality reveal their actual activities. But they always portrayed then as too crazy to be true.
What we've dug into this past year with Q's help, they spell out in detail in the dialog of that episode in 1995.
Makes me sick.