The New Space Race - SPACE FORCE: POTUS is right on Time.
These Missile Tests caught my attention.
RUSSIA has been testing an "Anti-Satellite" (Kinetic) Missile:
**U.S. intelligence agencies are closely watching Russia in anticipation of the latest launch of the Nudol, a direct-ascent missile capable of attacking orbiting satellites. The sixth known test of the Nudol took place in March after flight tests in May 2016 and December 2016.
USA just, successfully, tested a (Kinetic) missile to shoot down ballistic missiles in space.
**Sailors aboard the USS John Finn intercepted the missile target using a Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) Block IIA missile during the test off the west coast of Hawaii, the Pentagon’s Missile Defense Agency said Friday.
SM-3 interceptors destroy incoming ballistic missiles in space using nothing more than “sheer impact,” like hitting a 10-ton truck traveling at 600 mph, according to defense company Raytheon, who makes the interceptor missile for the joint U.S.-Japanese project.