There's always facebook, it's infinite scroll is great for accommodating laziness
'For all of those looking to "blame" someone for the "delays", and/or crying about why it's talking so long for muh arrestsโฆ
#1. You're here for the wrong reasons
#2. Stop waiting, get out there and MAGA
#3. If you still have an issue,
>Specific timing rests w/ POTUS.
Take it up with POTUS.
Twitter: @realdonaldtrump
He's entitled to troll tooโฆ
Best move. In comparison to what we gain here, an extra step to check a little box while under attack isn't so bad.
The shill keeps using the same script
"super genius"
Every single time, as though he can't be spotted.
Lazy bastards
If their best had any brains, they read Q crumbs, quit & became anons. Now they're stuck with B.ored, O.verworked, T.ired shell-of-a-shills
Didn't R say to play nice?
Smh, not even a good follower of that which you professโฆ