Anonymous ID: 857d91 Oct. 26, 2018, 8:04 p.m. No.3621887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1975 >>2012 >>2030

This is one anon’s theory about the caravan. My theory is that there are alleged to be many young people in the caravan. I just watched a video where a young man said he knows what Potus said about not allowing them in, but he hopes Potus will listen and give them a chance to look for work. Potus has mentioned in the last couple of rallies that there will be something great at the border next week. Apparently the military will be at the border when the caravan arrives. Potus will not allow the caravan in but will put those who want to work to work on the wall. My theory is that Mexico is in on it and the migrants will be housed and will work on the Mexican side. Mexico with assistance from the US will provide housing, etc. for the migrants. I have read in several places that young adult Mexicans are also joining the caravan. The video I was watching was showing the Mexican government forces at a checkpoint along the “immigrant highway” stopping trucks and vans, etc. and loading people on to travel by vehicle, not on foot. The video said the caravan traveled 62 miles yesterday which would be impossible on foot. There is food and water and shelter at the destination for that day’s travel. So the Mexican government is assisting in this travel. Maybe as part of USMCA Mexico has agreed to this. Trump is not bashing Mexico. The only thing that doesn’t quite add up for my theory is that it is my understanding that the border wall is actually inland by a couple of miles at least in some places. They can’t step foot on US soil because if they do, they can claim refugee status and because of our laws, we have to process them. Catch and release. So, they will be stopped and questioned in Mexico and in return for work, they have to sign something that prevents them from any claim to entering our country. And during the processing, the bad guys can be weeded out. And Potus can claim the wall is being built by Mexico which is what he has said many times. What do you think?