Anonymous ID: 791a7c Oct. 26, 2018, 9:23 p.m. No.3622815   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Don't fall for it. All masonic is satanic shit.

True Lodge? New Atlantis?

Ask yourself why is there pyramids all other the earth?

-Why NEW world order?

-was there a PREVIOUS world order?

-Could Atlantis be the start? FIRST WORLD ORDER?

-what scriptures say? ENOCH? PLATO?

-what all ancient mythologies from around the world have in common? (look at deities_attributes)

the "order" originated from Atlantis. Ignorance was ALREADY strength back in that time, meaning for "the order". That's why all our "ancient knowledge" is burdened.

In Daniel 2, you have pretty nice allegory on "the order" or cabal as the giant