did the bang bus get a paint job….opps my bad thats the bang van totaly diferent
welcome to 12 hours ago
vans been in lot long time difrent spots recent paint job
full length movie of van being impounded yeh thats normal
^^^^^^ this needs memed by the little black kid
there full sheet pro made
an hour plus video of the van being loaded and towed down the road that was a show driven by the autisum truck litteraly
so im sitting here kekking my ass off at the autism tow truck and then had to laugh at the thought of us being crazy conspiracy nuts
the whole tow truck is autism awarness movement and a huge shout out to us
>We know we are going to WIN because without the doubt of failure there can be no other outcome.
fuck this im out all this shit for a dam tarp
love all you faggots /nohomo/