Anonymous ID: bd8fe5 Oct. 26, 2018, 9:48 p.m. No.3623018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3180 >>3232 >>3258

>>3622766 lb


So you can't see why the Khazars feel they are superior to everyone else.


It's simple. They are!

They imposed their system of hereditary monarchy on EVERY country in Europe except their own, German lands.

This cult of con artists fooled everyone into thinking that they were not the same as the Jews and used their Jewish relatives as scapegoats.


But, the German bloodlines of the monarchs were also Khazars. Before the language spoken by East European Jews was called Yiddish, it was called Tatish cognate with Deutisch and it meant the language of service of duty. This is because the Khazars demanded tribute, human tribute from the peoples that they ruled like the Slavs and Magyars. They took young peasant boys and taught them to be warriors. These warriors and their families spoke the Tatish or Tatar language while the Khazars spoke Turkish.


When the Slavs (Rus) finally broke the back of the Khazar empire by destroying the Khazar capital of Atil, the men of Atil, Atilar in Turkic, moved west to the Danube. These Adler became the nobility of the German lands and eventually the monarchs of all Europe.


Meanwhile their Tatar warriors regrouped under other leaders, some joining Bulgars or Magyars or Rus, and some becoming the Golden Horde. These Hussars had mastered the art of horseback battle using the lance, and some of them wandered as far west as Britain and helped the Romano Celtic warlord Arcturus in his brief rule. They set the mold for knights of old and their jousting battles.


Khazars were fundamental to the fabric of Europe. They created the Dark ages by wandering and plundering everywhere, and then by settling down and establishing rule in their monarchic style.


The visible Jews have always had a close relationship to the monarchs of Europe because they were the magicians who understood the occult arts of arithmetic and tax collection. This is why Jews were found everywhere in Europe. They lived symbiotically with the monarchic bloodlines. And this is why there are so many Jews in New York and Washington DC, the seats of power in the USA.


Expand your thinking. You have more than you know.

All that I have told you is a dark secret

That is hidden in plain sight.

As Jesus said, who has eyes, let him see.

Anonymous ID: bd8fe5 Oct. 26, 2018, 10:31 p.m. No.3623366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3394



This idea has been mentioned on this board before…


02/03/2018 02:02:37 - Q Research General #308 - Generic bread title Edition - #252252

THINKING of cabal final plan … for planefags

If I were to put a Bomb somewhere to get the most destruction on USA… ???

How about yellowstone… ???

Is that where the air traffic is ?

These People have no Heart….

Anonymous ID: bd8fe5 Oct. 26, 2018, 10:43 p.m. No.3623462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3472 >>3475



Fact is that Russia already has this capability.

Russia is GUARANTEED to win any nuclear war.

All they have to do is aim most of their missiles at Yellowstone.

It only takes one or two getting through, to set off the Supervolcano which puts Denver under several kilometers thick layer of volcanic ash, grounds every plane in the USA due to abrasive ash.


Since Russia has a HUGE territory and millions who still live close to a 17th century subsistence lifestyle scattered in villages all over Siberia, they will survive.


In the USA, without gasoline to run agriculture most survivors will be dead in a year. American civilization will fragment. The south will become part of Mexico. The north will end up being colonized by hardy Canadians. The Chinese will sweep the middle and set up agricultural villages on the ash plains and drill for water.


Russia will slowly climb back. The Chinese will mostly ignore it because it is to cold and bleak for them. The climate in the USA is more suitable.

Anonymous ID: bd8fe5 Oct. 26, 2018, 10:49 p.m. No.3623505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3521



That asteroid is not going to hit the earth.

The Cabal plan was to redirect it by fitting booster engines and push it onto a collision course with the Northern Hemisphere.


They were going to kill 7.6 billion people and hide in bunkers in the southern hemisphere. All those trips to Antarctica that people took, were a trick. They got us to focus on Antarctica instead of focusing on the route the took to get there!!!


For instance, one route is to fly to New Zealand, and from there catch a ride to Antarctica. Nobody will notice your side trip to check out your underground shelter.


Or you can go via Argentina.


Maybe even via Fiji.

Anonymous ID: bd8fe5 Oct. 26, 2018, 10:56 p.m. No.3623559   🗄️.is 🔗kun



OK, ICBM reentry vehicle.

Whatever you call it, Russia has the capability today, and even had it 20 years ago.

All they need to do is aim so many missile reentry vehicles at Yellowstone that any US missile defences cannot stop it.


t's just a mathematical statistical calculation as to how many are needed. And this explains why Russia drags its feet on services to remote areas. And allows people to just wander anywhere they like in the wilderness, clear trees, build log homes, and set up villages.

They want a large population of tough hardy people scattered everywhere.


Plus, they have learned from Chernobyl that even the nuclear radiation from a war can be survived. It's killing power is statistical, not absolute.