not a single hint of dust, pollen, tree sap, resin, anything of any sort. hell, even alien jizz isn't on this windshield. the dead giveaway is the water outlet deflectors underneath the wiper blades. PRISTINE LOOKING. Usually those things are gunked up with leaves, sticks, hell, anything. I assume it was parked under some trees as well in that parking lot? Where is the bird shit? Just more irregularity after irregularity. Hell, the god damn hood reflectors on the top fin are even clean. No haze or anything on the glass. No sort of rust/usage on the door hinges. This is all so fucking stupid and if anyone can't see this for what it is. I really do pray you wake up soon. This is too fucking obvious.
nothing even makes sense anymore. everything is twisted.
now the question is, when did the truck get the paint job done?
we create reality through our thoughts. we are basically the universe experiencing itself in physical form. On and On and On it goes my friend.
best. timeline. ever.