PortlandAnon ID: 8bb4d8 Oct. 27, 2018, 12:19 a.m. No.3623968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4070

Hey anons, I have a favor to ask. This could end up being big, and I'll explain why in a bit.


So back in August when Patriot Prayer showed up in Portland, I went downtown to talk about QAnon. Some Antifag who punched me in the face. Anyway, long story short, I found out who they were and I filed a police report the same day. The police have been slow-walking the case ever since. After 2 fucking months they finally arrested the NPC, but the NPC was dumb enough to post a video explaining everything they went through during the arrest. Explained that the police mentioned they were "pressured" because the assault got caught in a Milo article + I kept bugging the police about it every other day. Now I'm taking the NPC to court, but the judge is a fucking Democrat (https://dpo.org/people/rod-underhill). The NPC is no longer my target: Instead it is the police. In Oregon, Kate Brown (the governor) gets paid by George Soros. The chief of police in Portland is Daniel OUTLAW (not fucky at all). Ted Wheeler instructs the police not to punish antifa, which is why I believe they have slow-walked my case. What I want to do is fucking prove it so I can take it right on up the chain. I'm thinking that Soros & the Pedocrats have their dirty fingers in Portland, this might be a good chance to expose that if I can work with the "cops said they were getting pressure" claim. Who knows, maybe I can get the NPC to help me on this and have my own useful idiot, after all she is the "ACAB!!!!" type. Anyway, the favor I am asking is your help anons. I want to dig as much info about this Rod Underhill guy (my judge) and see if he's the type to fuck off this kind of case. Any help is appreciated.