They fuck around and keep a constant psy op running on the public in the background before announcing a new referendum because “things have changed since then”…
I think there’s a large scale fracture of the psyche taking place
More like pretending they don’t have one
The cracking open of our calcified self
It’s literally one of the most annoying trends in modern American speech
The ancients discovered the means to hypnotize entire populations, somehow that knowledge has been passed down or had wars fought for it with each successive generation. Are we living through the beginning of the end of this? Or will an elite always have the true control that comes with supreme knowledge?
Yep I’ve had a few Q related dreams of late myself
Weird thing for me is I honestly can’t recall how I first came across Q posts. I know it was around November and the first thing I saw were screen caps of those early posts. But for the life of me I can’t remeber how or where.
I like that. But for what I have yet to discover
Day zero
Those eyes have seen some shit
Very good spotting
Yeah that was weird
Philosophical Night Shift was in fine form. Peace and I’m passed out.