Anonymous ID: b4faa8 Oct. 27, 2018, 4:25 a.m. No.3624984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4986

excellent CH article

From “posts only tweets”, an anecdote that shows how thin-skinned shitlibs have gotten from living in their insular SWPL proghouse culture bubbles, and how badly they need their fragile egos stroked.


Libertardian: My first thought re: the “suspicious packages” sent to CNN, $0r0$, Clinton, and BHO was “false flag.” I don’t know why they would also send one to the WH, but the MSM – big surprise here – is trying to cover that part up.


The ngress and skype at work were talking about that. The ngress then added “People are evil” line.


Up to that point, I was having the usual office talk with the googlette. On occasion her ghettoness was on display and I just smiled and kept it simple.


It’s amazing that without saying anything contrary to what they were both talking yet simply staying silent informed them about my opinion on the matter.


And boo-hoo for me: I didn’t get a “bless you” when I sneezed. I’ll manage


Silence is now interpreted by shitlibs as opposition. If you aren’t full-throatedly supportive of the shitlib, parroting his or her “orange man bad” incantations, then the shitlib regards you with suspicion. That’s how bad the NPC groupthink has gotten. You have to shout your allegiance to the One True Faith, or it’s off to the breaking wheel with you.


Try it the next time a shitlib acquaintance gets political. Don’t answer in the affirmative. Stay silent. You’ll notice the shitlib is confused by this, and then quickly rouses to huffy terseness when she realizes 🚨 YOU MAY NOT BE A GOODWHITE 🚨.


Mace Dindu quips,


And make sure never to be the first guy to stop clapping when celebrating a tranny’s stunning and brave transition.


From mendeaux,


Precisely. This touches on their need for validation and if you don’t give them what they want, they’ll short circuit.


The kicker is when they talk and talk and without that validation, they’ll utter–in a defeated tone–“I don’t know. . .” which just negated everything they said up to that point


That’s the fuck-I-may-have-just-come-off-like-a-raving-loon-to-an-unfriendly-so-I-better-walk-it-back “I don’t know”. I hear it all the time from shitlibs because I never validate their neuroses. I love the deflated sound of it. Like a balloon hissing air.


I’ll return to what Garth V. wrote,


They get off on making you repeat their big lies. The more obviously false the lie is, the more you debase yourself in repeating it. When you instead affirm the truth, you’re letting them know that you will not be their slave.


The shitlib demand for conspicuous validation by others in their social circle (and often beyond) is related to a couple of interesting sociological peculiarities blossoming in the diversitopia known as Post-America:


White SWPL libs secretly, deep down, don’t believe their own bullshit. This creates massive cognitive dissonance which can only be alleviated by continual affirmation of their false beliefs from fellow Whites who also labor under a heavy load of cogdis. Misery loves company. It’s the equivalent of a codependent relationship, except both partners are addicted to the virtue signaling drug. See, for example, any NPC doxxing swarm targeting heretics, or Twatter blue checkmarks all liking each other’s inane anti-White pabulum.

White libs in cities are surrounded by diversity, (although urban Whites mostly self-segregate by neighborhood zone and city block, the Diversity still slaps them in the face on mass transit or walking alone from the bar at 1AM), and have to constantly stifle their real thoughts about the goblins who roam amongst them. If they don’t stifle their thoughts, they might make the mistake one day of lashing out at a Gift of Diversity, and that could cost them social status and, possibly, their good health. This is tiring to the enlightened urban White shitlib, and validation from other tired urban White shitlibs lifts their spirits. It helps to know others like yourself are part of the struggle (the real struggle of pretending Diversity is grand — not the Fake Struggle of, say, BLM that shitlibs vicariously live through). Forcing presumed compatriots to join the White shitlib in a self-preserving lie is like a dose of antacid. Sweet relief. Now back to overeating at the buffet of gassy neolib boilerplate.

Anonymous ID: b4faa8 Oct. 27, 2018, 4:25 a.m. No.3624986   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is really a critical point for rural and suburban Sane Whites to understand about urban Shitlib Whites. The latter live in the midst of Dreary Diversity in ways that the former don’t usually. When you are encircled by belligerents, you can go two ways: Keep a clear head about the threats, or placate the hordes and bury your dark thoughts. Shitlibs are cowards, so they choose the latter, fearful that indulging their Inner Voice might cause them to occasionally lose control of it as it leaps off the tongue on the walk over to an evening cocktail party through a vibrant part of town. So White shitlibs have decided, en masse, like victims of a runaway hysteria, to kill their Inner Voices. To spare their Outer Prestige.


Hence, the full embrace of the thoughtless, automaton leftoid NPC lifestyle.


And this is why wry silence confounds them, and why refusing to give the urban White shitlibs validation when they go off on one of their snarky anti-White lectures upsets them so much. Your shitlord silence is worse than complicity; it’s mockery. It reminds the shitlib of her cowardice, and how much of her integrity she sacrifices to keep up the equalist facade. The shitlib isn’t upset that you might be a closeted deplorable as much as she’s upset that your judgmental silence reminds her that she’s an emotionally brittle, dictatorial charlatan who CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH and who must cripple herself with mental contortions and demand vows of loyalty to groupthink to hide that fact of her fragility from her consciousness.


Atavator condenses,


Truth stands of its own accord. Lies need constant propping up.