Of course they wanted to shut up Trump supporters, ( they are losing, and it is making them lose their minds in the process)
All the dems leaders have been calling for violence and uncivility against Republicans.
And they think one staged crazy asshole is going to stop republicans and the American people.
Oh because of him, you can't be mean and point out the truth about what hypocritical liars the media and Dems are.
And of course their Rhetoric is just fine and dandy, ( kick them, be uncivil, push back on them in restaurants, gas stations, calling us deplorables, dregs of society, Nazi's, White supremists)
Them touting everyday how dangerous Trump is since he was elected, and how they have to stop him( all the assasination fantasies, madonna blow up WH, snoop pointing gun, Kathy with decapitated head, the play in the park, Johhny depp talking about actors committing assasination, put Barron in a cage of pedophiles)
Not one conservative has done anything even remotely close.
And now they are blaming it all on Trump.
And for them to say fake news or lock her up, or calling maxine low IQ is dangerous and getting people to act like terrorists is just off the fucking charts looney, and a complete fabricated hypocritical bullshit.
There is no comparision whatsoever.
I can't wait for the truth to be exposed about these people, i will relish their shame, and i will enjoy watching them rot in GITMO, so much more now.
I think we are under attack by bots, ( having posting errors)