>>3616769 4590 yesterday bread
Why did Cesar Sayoc open a P.O. Box in Asheville NC in December of 2017 when he's a longtime resident of FL?
>roster filled with every deviant possible. That's how Mary rolled.
Sure did.
>it was viewed as if I was saying he was approached by /ourguys/.
Maybe because there are people here that continue to actively attempt to frame the narrative into "/ourguys/ are responsible"?
Good working theory, could be valid even it wasn't directly stated to Cesar in as many words.
Really curious if he is currently under any psychiatric medications of any kind.
WAPO has him working in Ft. Lauderdale FL delivering pizzas for several months until 01/18 and the P.O. Box in Asheville was open as of 12/17.
>“He was crazed, that’s the best word for him,” said Debra Gureghian, the general manager of New River Pizza and Fresh Kitchen in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., where Sayoc worked for several months. “There was something really off with him.”
>Gureghian, the general manager of New River Pizza and Fresh Kitchen, said that Sayoc worked as a delivery-truck driver for several months but quit in January.
Now see the story in the Asheville paper. Evidence of Sayoc's van in Asheville in Fall of 2017 with a Domino's sign in the window, but no evidence of him working there.
>ASHEVILLE — Before he was accused of delivering pipe bombs, Cesar Sayoc might have been delivering pizzas, according to an Asheville woman who says she saw his now-infamous van parked at a Reynolds apartment complex last year.
>he'd photographed the van herself only about a year ago when she saw it parked in the apartment complex where she lives.
>"It was just covered in Donald Trump stuff, not something you see every day," Gadbois told the Citizen Times on Friday. "I saw a Domino's sign on his dashboard. It looked like he was living in the van. His dash was just covered with stuff."
>Managers at Domino's franchises in Buncombe County said they have no recollection of Sayoc. One said that Domino's doesn't deliver to Eastwood Village and that if Sayoc's Domino's tag wasn't on top of his car, he wasn't on the clock.
Note that Asheville is a Democrat stronghold. At one point, there were rumors of Obamas possibly moving there.
Something's not adding up.
Here's what i pulled out of yesterday's breads so far. For such a rabid Trump supporter, he sure does love hanging out in deep blue areas.
>nice botox
See how they just conceded to the dangerous time but pointed the fingers away from them as the cause?
That JobsNotMobs slogan must have been very effective.