Symbolic Numerology Will Be Their Downfall
More evidence of fakery being pushed on us all by the global power structure.
13 total fake bombs sent.
These people are stupid.
They alway sign their work. ALWAYS.
13 bloodlines of the illuminati
Thirteen is simultaneously a lucky and unlucky number. It is considered to be a bad omen because the Knights Templars were arrested on October 13, 1307. However it is also the number of reincarnation and everlasting life.
There are 13 members in covens and satanic cults - 12 regular members and one high priest. This is a mirroring of 12 jurors + 1 judge = 13. There are 13 high occult families that run the world. (Fritz Springmeier Illuminati Bloodlines)
The number 13 is very signifigant to the Illuminati. Each group has a core of 39 members which breaks down into 13 times 3 members. Thirteen make up an administrative group and then that group answers to a Round Table that consists of nine members. The nine is significant because it relates the triplicate of three that is considered very important in all rituals including 3 times 3 times 3. The 3 times 3 times 3 rules in magic apply to an amplification of the original intention of a cast ritual as well as the concept that whatever comes back to you will do so three times three times three.
Super Clean van in heavy Democratic area covered in real world click bait…..
You can't wear a Trump shirt in that area of the country without coming under verbal and physical assult.
Same across the country in heavily controlled left [socialist] areas.
Postage very questionable in theory never would of made it out of the postal service to begin with return to sender.
These packages should of ended up back at the office of [wasserman shultz]
One day they will pay for their crimes.
Cesars family is sitting pretty today though I don't know the current pay scale for a pawn.