Anonymous ID: 4e1787 Oct. 27, 2018, 9:40 a.m. No.3626219   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh and the daily mail had story on top of their page saying he was a white supremist.

How does that work? , when he is obviously hispanic looking( guess ,Sayoc’s father is Filipino and his mother is Italian) and he claims he is part indian.

He looks like a MS 13 gang member, that mean gang look to his face

He wore shirt saying he is indian.

The lady in last picture is the one that said he was a white supremist( she manages a pizza restaraunt) She looks like a witch. And if she is the only one who said he was like that, i would suspect she is a fucking LIAR

>You talk to him and he speaks like a 15-year-old, like a child

Hmm he sounds like Blasey ford, ( mk ultra?)

REVEALED: 'Lost' white supremacist MAGAbomber thought USA 'was going down the toilet' and became obsessed with Trump while 'searching for an identity', as he now faces 48 years in prison for mailing 14 pipe bombs to high-profile liberals

Cesar Altier Sayoc, 56, was taken into custody on Friday morning in Plantation, Florida

He is an avid Trump fan with an interest in bodybuilding who says he is a member of the Seminole tribe

His lawyer said tonight he is 'lost and sick individual’ who isolated himself from his family but eventually 'found a father' in President Trump

Ronald Lowy, who represented Sayoc in previous cases, said he demonstrated 'clear signs of mental illness'

His former employer at a pizza restaurant said he identified as a 'white supremacist' and an Anti-Semitic who wanted to purify society and believed all gay people 'should be put on island and burned'

In the 1990s, Sayoc traveled the country and worked as a male stripper after failing to become a pro wrestler

Sergio Menezes, who struck up a conversation with Sayoc back in August, told how he was unhappy at being priced out of Miami because of 'immigrants' moving in and blamed the Democrats for society's problems

Sayoc blamed Barack Obama and the Democrats on American Culture 'going down the toilet'

Tonight Donald Trump denied any link between his rhetoric and Sayoc's actions

Suspected Florida 'MAGAbomber' Cesar Altier Sayoc is a 'lost and sick individual’ who isolated himself from his family but eventually 'found a father' in President Trump, his family’s lawyer said.

Sayoc, 56, who is accused of sending a slew of packages containing explosive devices to high-profile liberals was abandoned by his father as a child and 'told his mother that he hated her,' Miami lawyer Ronald Lowy said.

This was someone lost, he was looking for anything and he found a father in Trump,' Lowy told CNN.

Sayoc’s father is Filipino and his mother is Italian. However the steroid-abusing bodybuilder claimed to be of Native American descent because he was trying to create an identity - which he found by becoming obsessed with Trump, Lowy revealed.

'He doesn’t seem to recognize reality. He lives in a fantasy world,' Lowy said to local outlets.

The signs of mental illness are clearly there.

More details emerged about the former male stripper’s chequered history tonight, including his criminal past which started nearly 30 years ago and includes arrests in 2002 for threatening to ‘blow up’ Florida Power and Light and an arrest in 1991 for grand theft auto.

Lowy, who represented Sayoc in four prior criminal cases, said the suspected mail bomber had trouble articulating concepts and 'doesn’t live life in a normal way'. He also claimed that Sayoc demonstrated 'a complete lack of comprehension of reality.

'You talk to him and he speaks like a 15-year-old, like a child. This seems like such a sophisticated crime, I have trouble believing he had the mental capacity to create operating bombs'.

Sayoc’s mother found out her son had been arrested when she woke up from surgery Friday, Lowy said.

My heart goes out to these people because you couldn’t imagine a more decent and loving family. They did everything they could,' he said.

Disturbingly, Sayoc’s former boss at a pizza restaurant told how he openly admitted being a ‘white supremacist’ who was anti-gay, anti-Jewish and ‘wanted to purify society’.

Debra Gureghian said Sayoc worked as a delivery driver at New River Pizza & Fresh Kitchen in Fort Lauderdale for more than a year before quit in January.

Gureghian said he told her that because she is a lesbian she is 'deformed' and she should be 'put on an island with all the other gay people and burned.'

She told CNN tonight: ‘I knew he had issues. He really was not, he definitely beat to the beat of his own drum.

He was anti-gay, anti-black, anti-Jewish, you name it, everybody that really wasn’t white and wasn’t a white supremacist didn’t belong in the world, that’s what he used to say to me all the time.

Anonymous ID: 4e1787 Oct. 27, 2018, 10:04 a.m. No.3626464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6540

look at how they have the story title. White man( not crazy man, but white) It's disgusting how they use their media platform to try and shape the narrative( like they had the term magabomber prepared and ready to go )


'At least eight dead' and multiple injured - including three police officers - after a 'white man with a beard' armed with an AR-15 opens fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue shouting 'All these Jews must die' before surrendering to SWAT

The white gunman opened fire on the Tree of Life Congregation Synagogue at 9.30am on Saturday morning

He slaughtered three people on the main floor then went to a smaller congregation in the basement

There, he murdered another three people before fleeing to the third floor where he exchanged fire with police

The gunman injured three police officers before being shot himself and surrendering to SWAT officers

As he sprayed the worshipers with bullets, the antisemitic gunman yelled: 'All Jews must die!'

He has been described as a 46-year-old white man with a beard but he has not yet been named

The synagogue was packed for a Sabbath service and a bris ceremony at the time and had no security

President Trump described the mass shooting as a 'shame' and said it would not have happened if the synagogue had had an armed guard

Anonymous ID: 4e1787 Oct. 27, 2018, 10:21 a.m. No.3626685   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The walkaway event is today( gee i imagine it will now get ZERO coverage)

Also Candace and the young black leadership are having events today too.

The shooting and fake bomber will be dominating the narrative