Anonymous ID: a5eb5f Oct. 27, 2018, 9:46 a.m. No.3626272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6635

Republicans & Democrats May Bark And Bite, But The Migrant Caravan Moves on


On the eve of midterms, thousands of migrants are streaming towards the US through Mexico with dreams of entering America. The crisis has turned into a slippery political football in a coliseum called Washington.


Obsessed with the upcoming midterm elections, the Democrats and Republicans are piling on the emergency like a fumbled ball, trying to use the crisis to win extra points before November 6th. Such political maneuvering sees both parties occasionally flip-flopping on their platforms or twisting information for the purpose of gaining an edge.


In fact, many Americans would probably be surprised to know that under the leadership of Barack Obama, the Democrats - who have compared Trump to Hitler over his efforts to build a wall on the Mexican border - deported a whopping 2.5 million undocumented people from the United States by 2015. Equally surprising is that under the tenure of Obama's Republican predecessor, George W. Bush, the Republicans deported just 2 million undocumented people.


And then there was Hillary Clinton. On the campaign trail in 2007, she told a rally "the federal government is supposed to set immigration policy." That comment should have carried a footnote that reads, 'Unless you are Donald Trump.' In other words, in this brutal political game, the goalposts continuously shift to accommodate the changing winds.


Meanwhile, the GOP is also guilty of its own false starts. Indeed, many Republicans view the timing of this massive movement of people as more than just a coincidence, looking to borderline conspiracy theories to explain it.

Anonymous ID: a5eb5f Oct. 27, 2018, 9:54 a.m. No.3626365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6419 >>6598 >>6602 >>6629

Palestinian militants agree truce after exchange of fire with Israel


GAZA/JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Palestinian militants said on Saturday they would halt attacks into Israel from the Gaza Strip after they fired the heaviest rocket salvoes across the border since August.


A spokesman for the militants said an Egyptian-mediated truce had been reached.


“After contacts between the Islamic Jihad leadership and the brothers in Egypt it was agreed that a comprehensive ceasefire will begin immediately,” spokesman Daoud Shehab said. “The Islamic Jihad will abide by the ceasefire if the occupation (Israel) does the same.”


Egyptian security officials have been talking separately to Israeli and Palestinian leaders in an attempt to restore calm along the border.


An Israeli military spokeswoman declined comment on Shehab’s remarks and there was no immediate response from other Israeli officials. Israel rarely acknowledges it has reached a truce with Gaza’s militant groups which it designates as terrorist organizations.

Anonymous ID: a5eb5f Oct. 27, 2018, 9:57 a.m. No.3626391   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia, Germany, France and Turkey meet for four-way Syria summit


ISTANBUL (Reuters) - The leaders of Russia, Germany, France and Turkey gathered in Istanbul on Saturday for a summit on Syria, where violence this week in the last remaining major rebel stronghold highlighted the fragility of a deal to avert a massive government offensive.


Ankara, which has long backed rebels seeking to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad, and Moscow, Assad’s principal foreign ally, brokered the deal last month to create a demilitarized zone in the northwest Idlib region.


Idlib and adjacent areas are the last stronghold of the rebels, who rose up against Assad in 2011. The area is home to an estimated 3 million people, more than half of whom have already fled other areas as government forces advanced.

Anonymous ID: a5eb5f Oct. 27, 2018, 10:05 a.m. No.3626481   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia in Review, Oct. 19-26, 2018


Despite speculation from U.S. and Russian officials that President Donald Trump’s plan to withdraw from the INF Treaty is basically a negotiating tactic, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said this week that he expects Washington to formally announce its withdrawal in four to six weeks, according to Russian media.


National security adviser John Bolton said in Moscow that the U.S. and Russia would resume regular meetings on fighting terrorism at the deputy-secretary-of-state level, according to the New York Times. He also said the first meeting of a new U.S.-Russia business council would take place in early 2019, RBC reported, and that the White House has invited President Vladimir Putin to Washington. (The two presidents are already expected to meet in Paris on Nov. 11.)


Both a Kremlin spokesman and the CEO of the Russian Direct Investment Fund have publicly accepted official Saudi explanations about the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, according to Reuters. The RDIF also announced that its Saudi counterpart would become a new partner in the joint Russia-China Investment Fund, contributing $500 million and raising the fund’s total capital under management to $2.5 billion. The Financial Times meanwhile reports that Saudi Arabia's energy minister has said the kingdom aims to acquire 30 percent of Russian gas producer Novatek's $21 billion liquefied natural gas project in the Arctic, strengthening ties between Riyadh and Moscow.

Anonymous ID: a5eb5f Oct. 27, 2018, 10:19 a.m. No.3626645   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Quayside: Google’s New Smart City Is A Privacy Nightmare


As Google applies its data management skills on a real city, Quayside, it is turning into a privacy nightmare. What it needs to do, it will not do because its prime directive is to collect identifiable data. De-identified data is totally useless to Technocrats at Google. ⁃ TN Editor


Sidewalk Labs, an Alphabet division focused on smart cities, is caught in a battle over information privacy. The team has lost its lead expert and consultant, Ann Cavoukian, over a proposed data trust that would approve and manage the collection of information inside Quayside, a conceptual smart neighborhood in Toronto. Cavoukian, the former information and privacy commissioner for Ontario, disagrees with the current plan because it would give the trust power to approve data collection that isn’t anonymized or “de-identified” at the source. “I had a really hard time with that,” she told Engadget. “I just couldn’t… I couldn’t live with that.”


Cavoukian’s exit joins the mounting skepticism over Sidewalk Labs and the urban data that will be harvested through Quayside, the first section of a planned smart district called Sidewalk Toronto. Sidewalk Labs has always maintained that the neighborhood will follow ‘privacy by design‘, a framework by Cavoukian that was first published in the mid-1990s. The approach ensures that privacy is considered at every part of the design process, balancing the rights of citizens with the access required to create smarter, more efficient and environmentally friendly living spaces.