Anonymous ID: d4c22d Oct. 27, 2018, 9:51 a.m. No.3626322   🗄️.is 🔗kun


At the precipice-


They are losing their minds as they are losing control of the narrative that has been in their control for many centuries. Think about it…


Arguably, the most significant technological invention at the time, and for centuries thereafter, was the printing press (China, 800s AD, improved by Gutenberg, 1500s). The opportunity to disseminate information en masse was then available, at least on a scale never seen before. The only question is who was in charge of the typeset?


From a communication technology standpoint, not much occurred until the advent of the electric telegraph, some 1,000 years later. It enabled information to be transmitted immediately over many miles, albeit to usually only one recipient who then may share with many via the printing option. Once again, who is in control of the message being sent?


Flash forward to the development of the radio (wireless telegraph). Less than a century between the two. Now information can be disseminated immediately to the masses. Hmmm, who controls what is being transmitted?


So, in an effort to make a long story not endless, next comes the TV (who controls the programming?), and then the internet. Now we are getting somewhere, and at a tipping point (bilateral communication, and massive).


The powers that be (my opinion church, banks, government which in turn USE TO control virtually all media) are now recognizing they are no longer in control of the outputs (programming) being disseminated. While for many years they have controlled what has been on the web, the genie (YOU) is out of the bottle and they have no way of getting it back in.


Anons, it is true that you have more than you know, and it is this POWER to play your part in taking this shit down. They no longer control the narrative nor the outputs/programming, and it is coming into full display (precipice) for all of the world to see.