President Clinton - record black imprisonment
President Obama - record black welfare
President Trump - record black employment
President Clinton - record black imprisonment
President Obama - record black welfare
President Trump - record black employment
“So Why Does the NSA Have 32 Pages of Secret/Top Secret Documents on Seth Rich?”
“But now there is new information that may corroborate what the human sources quoted in the Fox article claimed about Seth’s role in getting the DNC documents to Wikileaks. Borne from a FOIA request filed in November 2017 by attorney Ty Clevenger, who requested any information regarding Seth Rich and Julian Assange. The NSA informed Clevenger in a letter dated 4 October 2018 that:
Your request has been processed under the provisions of the FOIA. Fifteen documents (32 pages) responsive to your request have been reviewed by this Agency as required by the FOIA and have found to be currently and properly classified in accordance with Executive Order 13526. These documents meet the criteria for classification as set forth in Subparagraph © of Section 1.4 and remains classified TOP SECRET and SECRET.
If NSA had come back and said, “No, we do not have anything pertaining to Seth Rich,” that would have been news. It would have been especially unwelcome news for those who believe that Seth was the source on the DNC emails. But now the opposite is true. The NSA says that it has documents that are classified TS and S. What do those documents say or prove? That remains to be seen.”
Red lead grows in Florida Early Voting Reports
Yesterday we led by 62,000 in party affiliated registered voters who have already voted.
Today that lead is up to 73,000! MAGA!
All Blue counties have been voting since Monday. 30 counties started early voting yesterday. There are no EV reports as yet from 18 counties, 11 Red and 7 Purple by Vote-by-Mail stats …and yet we lead by 73,000 votes …and growing.
These are 2018 early votes as reported by party registration, not actual vote counts …but party affiliation in previous elections has been strongly correlated with actual votes …and in 2016, those who broke party ranks, were 2:1 Dems voting Pubbie.
2018 AS OF 10/27
Stats Type Republican Democrat Other Independent Total
Election Day 0 0 0 0 0
Voted Vote-by-Mail 680,693 615,960 8,599 277,435 1,582,687
Voted Early 307,923 299,687 5,582 117,679 730,871
Totals 988,616 915,647 14,181 395,114 2,313,558
I’ve included below the final results from 2016 and 2014 for comparison. Note that with EV just opened in 31 counties, and with 18 still not reporting, the 2018 EV count total already is over 2/3 the total final 2014 EV vote. This is a major turnout election. If you’ve not voted yet, VOTE!
2016 FINAL Florida
Election Day 2,959,085
Voted Vote-by-Mail 2,758,617
Voted Early 3,876,753
Totals 9,954,455
2014 FINAL Florida
Election Day 2,835,001
Voted Vote-by-Mail 1,895,825
Voted Early 1,309,043
Totals 6,039,869