Fritz Springmeier says there are 2 m trauma-based MC bots in the US. Not forgetting that these are human beings, fellow citizens who had this horrible abuse inflicted on them, Springmeier says they all have "end times programming."
No idea what end times programming entails, FS does not specify but it doesn't sound like programmed victims will be washing the feet of the poor.
Anon means to buy another box of 12g zombie load in case it gets bad, or rather worse, in Los Angeles.
We have the highest satanist population in the world.
So perhaps more end times programmed bots rampaging than anon initially estimated based on distribution by population.
Anon is popping corn and NPCs get through the nano claymores, over the river of love and past the chain gun killzone there will be adequate ammunition.
Anon uses the standard patriot defensive configuration here depicted, but in the latest, virtual version overlay on 3D reality. Imperceptible by the coarse sensory apparatus of normie materialist or trauma based mind control NPCs.