Anonymous ID: 00abdf Oct. 27, 2018, 11:59 a.m. No.3627787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7949 >>8058 >>8068 >>8145

The FBI has a history of setting up retards and schizophrenics to be terrorists for political purposes. There are many such cases. The patsies would be nothing without the FBI. Here’s how it could work: Michael Herbert is a State Department contractor and former member of Clinton’s security team. He runs into this nut living in a Trumpmobile. He sends pictures to a friend at the State Department. Probably just “Check out this doofus, LOL”. Word gets around. Someone pulls up a background check out of curiosity. Sayoc likes to smoke crack and make bomb threats and crazy tweets. He lives under the jurisdiction of Sheriff Scott Israel. The wheels start turning. Spooks who staged the Parkland shooting are reactivated. Someone convinces Sayoc it would be a good idea to mailbomb a bunch of Democrats right before the midterms. He makes a bunch of Mickey Mouse bombs with his fingerprints all over them. The best way for the spooks to avoid problems at the post office is to get Sayoc to drop the bombs in an isolated mailbox at night. Swamp rats steal the bombs and hand deliver them. They notify the targets, and take photos of these harmless but very photogenic bombs. The media knew the narrative in advance: ORANGE MAN BAD!


The swamp rats knew the post office screens mail to politically sensitive addresses. The packages would have been flagged at the last post office, or even the first post office. This explains why the stamps weren’t cancelled. It explains why the mail was delivered despite incorrect postage. It explains the Postage Due note instead of the proper form.


There are variants of how the bombs got mailed. It’s possible that Sayoc mailed them himself and Scott Israel’s people took over. They might have installed their own people as postal employees to keep the story straight. Sayoc’s handler might have gotten him paranoid about mailing the bombs and offered to do it for him. The mailbox could have been a fake. But stealing the bombs out of an isolated blue mailbox is easy and foolproof.


SGT Report thinks the story goes much deeper (Q/Pizzagate) and Sayoc isn’t even a real Trump supporter.


Also worth noting that there were an increased number of Unabomber fan threads on /pol/ in the weeks leading up to this. Someone was tilling the fields.




https: // (FBI patsies)


https: // (more FBI patsies) (Michael Herbert) /watch?v=X2aBOyP38W0 (SGT Report) (Unabomber threads)


P.S. Whenever there's a black sedan across the street, I hear a voice. It just told me to build pic related. Will I be the next patsy?


P.P.S. To the FBI: It's a joke. It's not going anywhere. And it won't work.