Anonymous ID: a94918 Oct. 27, 2018, 12:01 p.m. No.3627804   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just stepping in so today's FF is another obvious one.


AR-16 check

Jews are victims check

Shooter is a nut case check

Synagogues check

DHS rehearsal check

FBI taking over investigation check

Trump blamed check


FFS the kikes are panicking to pull this shit!

Anonymous ID: a94918 Oct. 27, 2018, 12:06 p.m. No.3627866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7908 >>7995

Mexico Offers to Provide Jobs, Education to Caravan Migrants


Mexico’s government unveiled a plan to provide employment, health care, and education to thousands of Central American migrants who are part of the caravan that is traveling from Honduras towards the U.S border.


This week, Mexico’s government unveiled their plan called “Estas En Tu Casa” or “You Are in Your Home.” The program provides the migrants with temporary employment, access to government-funded health care, and education for their children. The migrants who take part in the program will be employed in the cleaning and maintenance of public buildings and roads. As Breitbart News has reported, thousands of migrants from Honduras are making their way into Mexico in an effort to reach the U.S. Border. The caravan has caused international tension as the U.S. government threatened to remove international aid to Central America if the caravan is not stopped.


In order to take part in the program, the migrants and their families must be in the country legally and reach out to immigration authorities who will sign them up. The program will only be available in the southern Mexican states of Chiapas and Oaxaca. Those who are part of the caravan and entered the country illegally will be given time to begin the immigration process and must follow Mexico’s immigration law. Those in the program will also be given Mexico’s version of a social security number, commonly known as CURP (Clave Unica de Registro Publico) so they are able to open bank accounts and carry out other bureaucratic processes.


According to Mexico’s Secretariat of the Interior, the program is designed to help up to 6,000 migrants and will be supported through emergency funds destined for social emergencies. The program will be operated by Mexico’s Communications and Transportation Secretariat.

Anonymous ID: a94918 Oct. 27, 2018, 12:13 p.m. No.3627961   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tory MP says Russia is ‘trying to damage UK democracy,’ calls for ‘foreign powers act’


A Tory MP claims Britain must adopt a ‘foreign powers act’ to curb Russian influence that is threatening UK democracy, and warned that politicians must not be “paid influencers for others” – but why focus only on Russia?


Writing in The Times, Tory MP Bob Seely called on the UK government to consider the introduction of a ‘foreign powers act,’ in light of recent controversy surrounding House of Lords peers, such as Lord Greg Barker, who has come under scrutiny for his role as chairman of Russian energy firm EN+.


Seely, MP for the Isle of Wight, claims that British politicians acting as lobbyists for an “adversarial power” such as Russia, who he says is attempting to undermine UK democracy, looks dreadful.


“It’s not just the accusations of lobbying but also the lack of transparency. Peers lobbying in private in support of a self-proclaimed adversarial power looks dreadful. Russia is trying to damage the credibility of democracy. If it can create division, it will do so,” he wrote.


What’s noticeable about Seely’s piece is its sole focus on Russia. You’d think there was no case to answer for other countries and their British-based lobbyists.


Journalist and political commentator John Wight told RT that the likes of Saudi Arabia, the United States, Israel and Qatar are just some examples of states guilty of interfering in UK politics and culture.


“Various nations have massive influence on British politics to the point at which British democracy has been disfigured as a consequence,” Wight told RT.


“Saudi Arabia has pumped huge money into British politics and to British culture vis-a-vis the media, where it’s taken out full-page ads in newspapers such as The Times and Guardian in advance of the state visit of Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman back in March.”


Wright suggested the “weak response” from the UK government to the Khashoggi murder was due to them not wanting to destabilize the economic ties with the kingdom, which “primarily consists of arms sales.”


He also highlighted the time former US president Barack Obama said he would prefer if the UK stayed together, during the run up to the Scottish independence referendum in 2014, saying: “Imagine if Vladimir Putin had said that?”

Anonymous ID: a94918 Oct. 27, 2018, 12:16 p.m. No.3627984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8001 >>8030 >>8068 >>8113 >>8145

Libya Turned Into Hell: Seven Years Without Gaddafi



This October 23 marks the anniversary of the “end of the civil war” in Libya in 2011.


According Boris Dolgov, Senior Researcher at the Center for Arab and Islamic Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, when NATO intervened in that internal military conflict, it led to the collapse of the Muammar Gaddafi rule and the collapse of the Libyan state.


“As a result Libya has collapsed as a state; and today there are various political forces, including Islamist ones, competing to become the only authority in the country,” the expert says.


At the moment there are two main political forces fighting for power in the country — the House of Representatives and the Government of National Accord, but there are other forces as well. In Libya there are various clans that have armed groups in their areas of influence. Some of the groups adhere to radical Islam.


Russia, like other members of the international community, is making great efforts to find a solution to the Libyan crisis, but so far no one has managed to obtain any tangible result in the process.


Moscow is working with Libya’s most influential forces, like the armed forces of Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar who is fighting radical Islamists and aims to rebuild the Libyan state.

Russia Making Maximum Effort to Resolve the Crisis


Russia is working together with various forces in Libya to reach a political consensus among them and make the political process a priority. The representatives and delegations of various political forces even went to Russia to take part in talks.


In the future, Russia will continue working to resolve the crisis.


“Russia hasn’t officially declared it will send military advisers or other Russian military personnel to Libya, but, in my opinion, it would be possible if the Libyan side, for instance the forces such as those led by Marshal Haftar, asked for it,” Dolgov explained.


Russia can help solve the Libyan crisis. It could help end the local conflict with the aid of Russian military advisors or instructors on the ground who can pass on their experience to the Libyans.


Khalifa Haftar is Libya’s most powerful military force. According to the Marshal, he is fighting against radical Islamic groups. This is really important for Russia as these groups pose a threat not only to Libya, but also to the region as a whole, and even to Russia itself.


We know that Islamists from Syria and Iraq have arrived in Libya; in one of the regions, they have even created a para-state that swore allegiance to Daesh (terrorist group banned in Russia). This poses a threat to Russia as Daesh terrorists and other affiliated groups have stated that their goal is to promote jihad in Russia, namely in the Caucasus and southern Russia.


Thanks HRC and I hope all that oil your buying from there now is worth it BIBI, we know!

Anonymous ID: a94918 Oct. 27, 2018, 12:19 p.m. No.3628022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8032

Israel’s covert influence campaigns in the West


All the hype about Russia aside, the special investigation in the US by Robert Mueller has shed light on something concrete: the real story is IsraelGate.


Israel’s covert influence campaigns in Western democracies are manifold.


Israel is attempting to subvert the UK’s elections by running a years-long interference campaign against opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn.


And as Al Jazeera’s film “The Lobby” exposed last year, Israel’s agents in the UK have been attempting to “take down” MPs and ministers in the ruling Conservative Party too – basically anyone in a position of power deemed insufficiently committed to backing Israeli racism.


As revealed in a leaked clip from the censored US follow-up to Al Jazeera’s undercover film, lobby groups in the US with close connections to the state of Israel run deceptive Facebook pages – some of whose content has millions of views – aimed at infiltrating Israeli propaganda into your social media streams.


The Israel Project covertly runs a network of Facebook pages which appear to be about unrelated subjects – history, the environment, women’s issues. The following gained by such innocuous postings is then exploited to subtly push an Israeli propaganda message.


In undercover footage seen in the leaked clip of the documentary, the contractor the Israel Project hired to set up the “secretive” network of Facebook pages explained that “we don’t want people to know that these side projects are associated with the Israel Project” and that about 25 per cent of the material was Israel related.


This content was often calibrated to ostensibly appeal to progressive or liberal audiences, such as an image of an Israeli warplane coloured pink “in aid of Breast Cancer Awareness Month”.


In reality, the Israel Project is a right-wing group which has long pushed for aggressive US action against Iran.


By now, these are all very well proven social media influence campaigns that Israel is involved in, but of course, the establishment media in the US and UK – ever compliant with the government’s foreign policies – says almost nothing critical of Israel, and is totally silent on this.



Anonymous ID: a94918 Oct. 27, 2018, 12:20 p.m. No.3628032   🗄️.is 🔗kun





As well as covert social media influence campaigns, something Russia has been accused a lot of over the last two years is supposedly interfering in the US elections by helping Donald Trump. In reality, again, it is Israel that is really guilty of this.


As the renowned left-wing American intellectual Noam Chomsky pointed out earlier this year, “Israeli intervention in US elections vastly overwhelms anything the Russians may have done”. Chomsky is totally correct that a lot of what Israel does in this regard, it does so openly.


Earlier in October, it was revealed that former Israeli intelligence agents proposed a multimillion-dollar social media scheme to employ fake online identities in order to sway the 2016 election in Donal Trump’s favour.


The group acted under the name Psy-Group, a now-defunct private spy firm. The company shut down in February after FBI agents interviewed some of its US employees.


Although it’s unclear whether Tump’s team ever took the firm up on its offer, the fact the plan was ever seriously floated is a sign of how invulnerable Israel considers itself to any form of accountability in the US – and not without reason.


Israel’s arrogance and seemingly total impunity to act in almost any criminal manner whatsoever is starkly reminiscent of the way the rulers of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia are acting.


The ruling Saudi establishment has been rushing over the past few weeks to repair the damage done to its reputation in the eyes of its allies in the ruling Western elites due to the public nature of the despicable, brutal murder of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.


Former US Vice President John Kerry called it “embarrassing” – a telling remark. Kerry’s statement suggests he has little problem with Saudi Arabia’s habitual abuse of human rights, war crimes and imprisonment, torture and murder of dissents – but please don’t do it so publically. It’s embarrassing to us in Western government who sell you weapons and provide you with political cover.


It’s also telling that many in the US Israel lobby have been desperately going out to bat in recent days for Mohammed Bin Salman – the crown prince and effective ruler of Saudi Arabia who is suspected of having ordered Khashoggi’s murder.


The Saudi-Israeli alliance has grown hugely in recent years. Israel, as always, relies on regional dictators as its only allies. As an institutionally racist state, it will never win over the people of the region. Therefore, Israeli propagandists are only too happy to propagandise for Bin Salman.


But there is a further calculation they have. As journalist Clayton Swisher put it this week, “it must be unnerving to countenance a day when – like Saudi – the world media focus will centre on Israel and its brutal killings”.


For Palestinians and other victims of Israel’s atrocities, that day cannot come soon enough.

Anonymous ID: a94918 Oct. 27, 2018, 12:22 p.m. No.3628043   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US delivers largest ammunition shipment to Europe since bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999


Ramstein Air Base in Germany has received around 100 containers of ammunition in the largest delivery of ordnance to the US forces in Europe since the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999.


The US Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa said that “a variety of munitions rolled into Ramstein during the month of October.” The delivery is intended to support NATO’s European Deterrence Initiative and pump up the resources available to US Air Force in Europe.