Anonymous ID: 8fdd4c Oct. 27, 2018, 12:40 p.m. No.3628241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8878 >>8900



40 Arab and foreign countries participate in Executive Committee of World Peace Council meetings in Damascus

Delivering a speech, Maria do Socorro Gomes, President of the World Peace Council, said: “We are gathering today in Syria to express our solidarity with the Syrian people who have endured the worst terrorist war against a sovereign state for more than seven years.”

Gomes affirmed that holding the Executive Committee of the World Peace Council meeting in Syria sends a message to all countries to condemn the foreign interference in the states’ affairs and denounce the terrorist organizations’ attacks which tried to destroy Syria, a country which loves peace and is known for its security and safety throughout history.”


Putin: Syria peace process a priority, but remaining terrorists must be destroyed

“While the degree of violence in Syria has been greatly reduced, elimination of all the radical elements is still an important task,” President Vladimir Putin said, speaking after the four-way Syria summit with leaders of Turkey, France and Germany. “We cannot allow the battle-hardened bandits to carry on with their illicit activities, to create “sleeper cells” in our countries, recruit supporters and spread extremist ideology and terror.” “The fate of the country must be ultimately decided by the Syrian people,” he added.


Nebenzya warns Western states against attempting to escalate the crisis in Syria

During a Security Council session on the situation in the Middle East, Nebenzya said that it’s impossible to impose the constitutional committees with conditions that contradict the Syrians’ will, and that there are no basis to set arbitrary dates for forming this committee.

He hoped that de Mistura would realize the degree of responsibility he has at this critical time before the end of his mandate, and that he would exert his best efforts to achieve the desired results regarding the political process within his jurisdiction and in a manner that fully respects Syrian sovereignty.


Radical Part Of “Opposition” Continues To Violate Deconfliction Agreement In Northern Hama

The rockets were reportedly launched from the militants’ positions in the town of al-Lataminah, which is considered a part of the demilitarized zone around the northern governorate of Idlib. Under the deconfliction agreement, all heavy weapons and radical militants should withdraw from the zone. However, this is yet to happen.

A source in the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) told SouthFront that the army responded to the rocket attack by shelling the militants’ positions in the towns of al-Lataminah, al-Tamanah, Murak, Khan Shikhun Khan Shaykhun and Lahaya in the northern Hama countryside.


Israel Accuses “Assad Regime”, Iran’s Quds Force Of Gaza Escalation, Kicks Off New Round Of Airstrikes

It’s also interesting to note that Israel accused the “Assad regime” and Iran’s Quds Force of being behind the recent escalation in Gaza. While the Quds Force is indeed a special forces unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps responsible for extraterritorial operations, it still remains unclear how the Damascus government deeply involved in counter-terrorism operations across its own country could be behind any tensions in Gaza…… In fact, the increased US support to Israel contributed to the escalation in the region because it allowed the Tel Aviv leadership to employ force more freely in order to crack down on the Palestinain resistance to its actions.


Military Situation In Northwestern Syria On October 27, 2018 (Map Update)


NOTE: Russia said yesterday they have proof of the states that provided the chemical weapons to the white helmets in Idlib. Nice move the day before Putin meets with 3 of those states leaders!

Anonymous ID: 8fdd4c Oct. 27, 2018, 12:41 p.m. No.3628262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8340

Robert Steele: Active Shooter at Synagogue — BULLSHIT — False Flag Programmed, Drill, FEMA, Show Me the Bodies….


I don’t believe it. If it is a real shooter, he is programmed and most likely programmed by the Mossad on the orders of Benjamin Netanyahu. As we now know from a review of all past false flags, the Zionists are more than happy to kill their own (Argentina, Jewish community center) as well as Americans (USS Cole, USS Liberty, 9/11). Their objective: to legalize the censorship at #GoogleGestapo where anyone who questions anything is considered “anti-Semitic.


BULLSHIT. Zionists evil Jews good. Not the same thing. It is also possible this is a FEMA drill with legalized lies to instil fear. My letter to the Secretary of Homeland Security was ignored. The letter is below the fold.




And we need legislation to stop crap like this from going national. Local event, local news, enough already. This has all the earmarks of a false flag seeking to advance the Zionist agenda and interfere with the election.

Anonymous ID: 8fdd4c Oct. 27, 2018, 12:43 p.m. No.3628273   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli Forces Launch 87 Overnight Airstrikes Against Gaza Strip


The Israeli army carried out scores of air strikes across the besieged Gaza Strip in the early hours of Saturday, in the highest-intensity offensive on the coastal Palestinian territory since the summer.


The Israeli army launched at least 87 air strikes, Israeli news outlet Ynet reported, saying it was in response to some 34 rockets fired from the enclave into southern Israel.


Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the rockets, saying in a statement that they were in retaliation for the Israeli army’s killing of five Palestinian protesters on Friday.


“The resistance will not accept the equation imposed by the enemy on the basis of killing on their part and silence on our part,” the group said in a statement.


Following the exchanges, Islamic Jihad’s media office announced on Saturday morning that it had accepted an Egypt-mediated ceasefire with Israel.


Locals told Middle East Eye that one four-storey building in central Gaza City that was turned to rubble overnight had hosted charitable institutions and research centres.


Gaza’s Ministry of Health, meanwhile, said that air strikes had targeted the perimeter of the Indonesian Hospital in Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip, causing material damages to the building.


The ministry did not immediately report on Palestinian casualties or injuries from the air strikes. Israeli media said that six people had been minorly injured during the rocket attacks.


More than 200 Palestinians have been killed and at least 10,000 wounded by Israeli forces since the beginning of the Great March of Return on 30 March.


One Israeli soldier has been killed over the same period.


Thousands of Palestinian demonstrators have come out for 31 weeks to denounce the blockade of the Gaza Strip and call for the right of return of Palestinian refugees to the homes, from which they and their families were displaced during the establishment of the state of Israel.


The latest round of air strikes came as high-level Israeli officials have ramped up calls for a “strong blow” against Gaza in recent weeks, with Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman not excluding “a wide-scale confrontation”.


Israel maintains a crippling blockade of the Gaza Strip which critics say amounts to collective punishment of the impoverished enclave’s two million residents.


Egypt also upholds the siege, restricting movement in and out of Gaza on its border.

Anonymous ID: 8fdd4c Oct. 27, 2018, 12:44 p.m. No.3628290   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pence Says Intel Indicates Migrant Caravan Organized by ‘Leftist Organizations’


Vice President Mike Pence said that intelligence indicates that the migrant caravan, currently in Mexico and headed toward the United States after rejecting a new offer by Mexico, was organized by leftist political organizations and activists.


Pence said foreign partners provided the intelligence and he also learned of some during a phone call with Juan Orlando Hernández, the president of Honduras.


“What the president of Honduras told me is that the caravan was organized by leftist organizations, political activists within Honduras, and he said it was being funded by outside groups, and even from Venezuela,” Pence told Fox News late Friday, Oct. 26, while campaigning in the southwest United States.


“So the American people, I think, see through this—they understand this is not a spontaneous caravan of vulnerable people.”


The comments came after Pence told reporters in the White House on Oct. 23, about intel conveyed by Hernández that indicated the caravan “was organized by leftist groups in Honduras, financed by Venezuela, and sent north to challenge our sovereignty and challenge our border.”


The caravan, which has been estimated at as many as 14,000 people, includes criminals and gang members, American officials previously confirmed.

Anonymous ID: 8fdd4c Oct. 27, 2018, 12:46 p.m. No.3628323   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Political Upheaval in Sri Lanka Deepens as President Sacks PM, Top Ministers


A political crisis is deepening in the populous island nation on the Laccadive Sea.


On Saturday, Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena suspended parliament until November 16, a day after removing Ranil Wickremesinghe as prime minister and replacing him with opposition leader Mahinda Rajapaksa, who previously served the sixth president of Sri Lanka from 2005-2016.


"The president has prorogued the parliament," Cabinet spokesperson Rajitha Senaratne told reporters, Japan Times reported Saturday. The president suspended all meetings of the 225-member house until mid-November, according to AFP.


However, Wickremesinghe claims that he has a majority in parliament.


"I have the majority in the parliament, convene the parliament to resolve this," Wickremesinghe said during a press conference in the country's capital of Colombo on Saturday.


"As far as the prime ministership is concerned, the person who has the majority support in parliament has to be the prime minister, and I have that majority of support," Wickremesinghe said, according to the Associated Press. "It is not necessary for us to create a crisis. It is not necessary for the people of the country to suffer."


The parliament suspension means, however, that Wickremesinghe will not be able to prove his majority.


On Friday, the South Asian country's Media and Finance Minister, Mangala Samaraweera, referred to Rajapaksa's appointment as "an anti-democratic coup," while a European Union delegation confirmed Saturday that it is closely monitoring the situation in the island nation of some 23 million.


"We urge all parties to fully act in accordance with Sri Lanka's Constitution, to refrain from violence, to follow due institutional process, to respect the independence of institutions, and freedom of media," the delegation announced Saturday, Japan Times reported.


Political tensions in between between Wickremesinghe's United National Party (UNP) and Sirisensa's United People's Freedom Alliance (UPFA) have been high since Sirisensa recently condemned Wickremesinghe's party for not thoroughly looking into an assassination plot against the president. Sirisena also accused India's intelligence services of being involved in the assassination plot, although that claim has been denied by intelligence members.


Although neighboring India has not yet officially reacted to the events in Sri Lanka, the country has been concerned with Rajapaksa's relationship with China, after Rajapaksa spent billions of dollars helping rebuild China after the end of a 26-year-long civil war against Tamil separatists in 2009.


The investment deeply indebted Sri Lanka and resulted in giving China control of a strategic southern port on the island, a move criticized by both India and the United States.

Anonymous ID: 8fdd4c Oct. 27, 2018, 12:50 p.m. No.3628363   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FALSE FLAG MASS SHOOTING: Pittsburgh Synagogue Targeted by Deep State-Directed Terrorist Attack


Another White Male Patsy Set Up

To Demonize the Right


Remember, it’s still October so there’s plenty of time for more “October Surprises”. Like today in Pittsburgh PA.


What distinguishes this particular false flag mass shooting from all the others is that a synagogue was quite deliberately targeted.


Make no mistake about it: this is the BIG one that SOTN has been writing about for months.


Editor’s Note: SOTN has written several articles predicting that the Deep State Democrats would do some very stupid stuff during October and right up to the election. For example: The October SURPRISES of 2018 to be Preceded by a September SHOCK & AWE! Then there was this post on the purge of the Right by the Big Tech titans before the election: Something Wicked This Way Comes…Between Now And Election Day There was also this prescient piece about the OCTOBER SURPRISE 2018: A Whole Month of “Shock and Awe”. We’re not saying we told ya so; rather, we’re reposting these so that folks can comprehend what the heck is happening right now. For it’s only going to intensify until Nov. 6, as we cogently point out in each of these exposés. A false flag mass shooting is definitely on the way!

(Source: FALSE FLAG BOMB SCARES: Who’s doing it and Why?)


This website has frequently predicted that at least one highly consequential mass shooting would take place this month. And now it has.


We were quite certain of this extremely unfortunate eventuality because of the necessity for the Left to galvanize the vote on November 6th.


There is no better way to accomplish that goal than to shoot up a Jewish synagogue because of the massive blowback that will now occur. There is no other voting demographic, that can create a colossal reaction to this staged event, like the national Jewish community.


The liberal Democrat Party has been supported majorly by the Jewish community for many years. Many of their biggest donors are likewise Jewish. Hence, this obvious false flag psyop was designed to evoke immediate and intense sympathy. And so it will.

Total Gun Control Is Always The Goal


This fateful black operation will actually serve multiple purposes for Deep State. First and foremost, it will motivate many anti-gun voters to cast their ballots for gun control candidates. That planned effect alone is quite HUGE.


There’s so much fear purposefully generated around guns in America by Deep State Democrats over several decades that it would be quite easy for the perps to trigger a massive and irrational reflex against firearms. That was the primary purpose of this rogue CIA psyop at the Pittsburgh synagogue. The power elite knows that the time is very short to strip Americans of their God-given and constitutional right to bear arms.

Anonymous ID: 8fdd4c Oct. 27, 2018, 12:55 p.m. No.3628438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8501

Pope Francis Exposes Himself as a Newjesuit Aligned with the Violent Strategies of Liberation Theology


A Reader Asks: “Is This Really What is Expected of the Newjesuit Now — Treating God and Satan as Equals?”


I recently saw this comment of Francis-Bergoglio to a meeting of Newjesuits in the Baltics, which troubles me greatly:


I don’t think it’s hard for a Jesuit to work in secret, as a clandestine. Fr. Hugo Rahner used to say that Jesuits have to be able to discern both in the field of God and in that of the Devil. I think that discernment gives us this ability, this sense of the supernatural: the sense of the divine and of the diabolical in the moments of human life and in history. We need to ask to know both the intentions of the Lord and those of the enemy of human nature and his deceptions.


How is a Newjesuit supposed to “discern” the Father of Lies without regular and direct contact with the Enemy? Is he supposed to sit somehow above both God and the Devil to “discern” the intent of each? Is this really what is expected of the Newjesuit now, treating God and Satan as equals?


The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.


Your skepticism is well founded. The Jesuits were a strange group even before the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), when they morphed into the Newjesuits and associated themselves with heretical Liberation Theology, which involved the actually murdering conservative government officials in Latin America, and with Marxism, which was and is rife in Latin America.


The Jesuits had historically gone off the rails into secular political machinations on so many occasions that finally the Pope Clement XIV abolished the order outright in 1773 with his Bull Dominus ac Redemptor. The order was not restored until well into the nineteenth century. The Jesuits are, by their very structure, a highly autocratic group with a pridefulness in their intellects. Yet, as is the situation with the Freemasons, many rank-and-file Jesuits do not know what is going on in their order, which is reportedly run by a small inner council.


You are correct in pointing out that the Jesuits seem obsessed with the idea of what they call “discernment.” Francis-Bergoglio, as a Marxist/Modernist Newjesuit himself, often mentions it. Our opinion concurs with yours: when you play with fire, you are burnt — all the more so with Satan. Of all the once-Catholic religious orders, the Newjesuits after Vatican II Anti-council went most berserk. Many of the leaders of that Anti-council were, in fact, Jesuits, including:


Henri De Lubac (1896-1991), S.J., whose works were condemned for heresy by the Holy Office

Gerald Ellard (1894-1963), S.J., who proposed already in 1948 the heretical, invalid “New Mass” of 1969

Joseph Jungmann, S.J. (1889-1975), whose works presenting a corrupted Modernist view of a “pastoral” liturgy greatly influenced the heretical Modernist Vatican II Council

John Courtney Murray (1904-1967), S.J., whose works were condemned for heresy by the Holy Office

Karl Rahner (1904-1984), S.J., silenced by John XXIII; declared under suspicion of heresy by the Holy Office; the co-conspirator with Josef Ratzinger (later Newpope Benedict XVI) in introducing the heresy of Moderism at the Anti-council

Hans Urs Von Balthasar (1905-1988), S.J., declared under suspicion of heresy by the Holy Office and banned from teaching


If you wish to read further on this matter, we can recommend Fr. Malachi Martin’s The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church (1988). Fr. Martin, a best-selling author and Vatican expert, got out of the Jesuits in the early 1960s when he saw how evil they were becoming. Fr. Martin later left the Newchurch of the New Order entirely and became a traditional Catholic priest. He was a prolific author and a frequent guest on radio programs explaining and defending the traditional Catholic Faith.

Anonymous ID: 8fdd4c Oct. 27, 2018, 12:57 p.m. No.3628456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8552

Socialist Spain Collects Over 350 Illegal Migrants from Boats in the Mediterranean


Spain’s maritime rescue service says it has picked up over 350 migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea.


The service says it pulled 359 people from seven small boats its rescue craft intercepted in waters between Spain and the coast of northern Africa on Saturday.


Spain has seen a rise in illegal immigration this year following a crackdown by countries in the eastern Mediterranean.


The UN Migration Agency/International Organization for Migration said this week that over 45,000 men, women and children have entered Spain through the western Mediterranean route in 2018.


Packed into small boats by human trafficking gangs, the migrants often risk death because the boats are prone to sinking. The United Nations says over 1,960 people have died this year trying to cross the Mediterranean.

Anonymous ID: 8fdd4c Oct. 27, 2018, 12:58 p.m. No.3628462   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Asylum Seeker Sentenced for Having Sex with 13-Year-Old ‘Wife’


An unnamed asylum seeker living in Sweden has been sentenced to six months in prison after being found guilty of having sex with his ‘wife’, who was only 13-years-old at the time.


The asylum seeker, who is now 25-years-old, married the girl while she was 13 back in 2014 after seeking asylum in Turkey. He engaged in sexual activity with her while in Turkey, then headed to Sweden to seek asylum in 2015, Swedish broadcaster SVT reports.


Despite the crime occurring in Turkey in 2014, the 25-year-old was arrested and taken to court in Kalmar on charges of sex with a minor. The Kalmar District Court found the man guilty of raping a minor and sentenced him to six months in prison.


The judge is said to have given the 25-year-old a lighter than normal sentence owing to the fact he was just over twenty when the rape occurred.


The case comes after another case last year in which a Swedish prosecutor refused to bring charges against a Syrian man born in 1987 who not only had sex with his ‘wife’ when she was either 13 or 14 but got her pregnant as well. The prosecutor claimed that he could not charge the migrant as the crime had occurred in Syria.


In another case, many criticised the Swedish government after it gave an Iraqi asylum seeker custody of children he had produced with his former ‘wife’ while she was only 13-years-old.


Sara Mohammad, from the anti-honour violence organisation GAPF, slammed the ruling, saying: “Had a Swedish girl been sent abroad to marry a paedophile, then every social worker and politician had rolled up their sleeves straight away. Every minister and the prime minister would have called it a huge scandal for Sweden.”