"Remember the Order of St. Hubertus? the secret "hunting" fraternity that was connected with the Scalia death in Texas, the fraternity that dresses up in robes and medals and is heavily composed of influential men, usually older men.They go through a "knighting" procedure that is quite elaborate : http://www.chron.com/life/society/article/Houstonians-join-the-Order-of-St-Hubertus-2206480.php It's Grand Master is Istvan von Hapsburg Lothringen of Luxembourg with royal connections (grandson of the last Austrian emperor) .Although nondenominational, the investiture venues include Grace Cathedral in San Francisco (http://www.brunnovonristow.com/profile.html)) and the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Wash.DC (cocktails later at the Belgian Ambassador's residence in 2011) http://www.chron.com/life/society/article/Houstonians-join-the-Order-of-St-Hubertus-2206480.php#photo-1650892
"Grand Master and Grand Chapter supervise Chapters in Spain, Portugal, Italy, England, Scotland, the Czech Republic and the Benelux countries in Europe. In the Americas, Chapters are located in the United States, Mexico, Argentina and a chapter is presently in formation in Canada. A chapter is also presently in formation in the Union of South Africa. The traditional headquarters of the Order is the principal residence of the Grand Master, currently the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg." https://sthubertus.org/about-us/the-order-today/ http://player.mashpedia.com/player.php?ref=mashpedia&q=o9NNNS60jEQ#profile
This hunting elite in Europe like to lay out the day's kill, gutted: http://player.mashpedia.com/player.php?ref=mashpedia&q=Yf125l2EZys Int St Hubertus Order - bag of deer and wild boar - Schildfeld gutted deer and boar laid out for viewing
The order operates under the patronage of Juan Carlos of Spain whose hunting skills perhaps have improved since 1956 when a gun he had in his hand discharged, killing his14 y.o. brother. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infante_Alfonso_of_Spain
The hunting resort Cibola in Texas is owned by John Poindexter, a prominent member of St. Hubertus Texas Chapter. The décor at the resort features devil images: https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/2016/02/27/devil-images-around-justice-scalia-at-cibolo-creek-ranch/ http://media.culturemap.com/crop/5d/cf/633x475/St._Huberto_Archduke_Andreas_Salvatore_Hapsburg-Lothringen_Christina_Girard_John_Poindexter8101.jpgJPG
The American chapter was started in 1966 in Bohemian Club,San Francisco. The order was reconstituted in Europe after WW2 by an American Lt. colonel in postwar Europe . Halvor O. Ekern, also happened to work later as a US diplomat : http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2006/apr/13/20060413-105220-5114r/"