Anonymous ID: 36280f Oct. 28, 2018, 5:27 a.m. No.3637429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7571 >>7809 >>7849 >>7921 >>8140

"This October, Facebook and Twitter deleted the accounts of hundreds of users, including many alternative media outlets maintained by American users. Among those wiped out in the coordinated purge were popular sites that scrutinized police brutality and U.S. interventionism, like The Free Thought Project, Anti-Media, and Cop Block, along with the pages of journalists like Rachel Blevins.


Facebook claimed that these pages had “broken our rules against spam and coordinated inauthentic behavior.” However, sites like The Free Thought Project were verified by Facebook and widely recognized as legitimate sources of news and opinion. John Vibes, an independent reporter who contributed to Free Thought, accused Facebook of “favoring mainstream sources and silencing alternative voices.”"

Anonymous ID: 36280f Oct. 28, 2018, 5:32 a.m. No.3637450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7473

Is the anon who was digging on Scalia yesterday am still about? Some sideways data as I did a pizzagate dig on Marfa/Cibola ranch and some Scalia fuckery…


"The Order of St. Hubertus, named after the patron saint of hunters, says it was founded in 1695 by Count Franz Anton von Sporck. During World War II, Adolf Hitler disbanded the Austrian society because it would not accept Nazis as members, according to its website; after the war, it was refounded and expanded internationally.


Several of the order's first members in the US were high-ranking diplomats and members of the military who served in Austria during or after World War II. Its most active branch is in the southwest US, including Texas.


The Order, led by a grandson of the last emperor of Austria, isn't exactly a secret society. But it is fairly secretive. The "News" section of its website, which used to include many members' names, was removed at some point in the past year."

Anonymous ID: 36280f Oct. 28, 2018, 5:37 a.m. No.3637473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7477


"t was this from Veterans Today that helped push this forward: “It was Keshe’s information given to the FBI in Italy that led to the seizure of Sterling Allan’s computer back in January of 2016, which led to the Obama White House getting files tying Justice “Tony” Scalia to a child sex ring and demonstrating that it was Scalia that had protected Allan. With Justice Scalia exposed to Obama blackmail, his own friends smothered him to death with a pillow, and walked past police, while the world moved on, no autopsy, no investigation.”

That explains why Hollande (President of the French Republic) was scared he is linked to child abuse in France, via Belgium as well. Abdessalem (Foreign Minister of Tunisia) was traded by the FBI so Hollande can stay in power, sign the tafta and much more allow American military presence in France, which is now turning against him… That explains why the US military unit near Milan was behind us to see what we had in stock against Bibi (Netanyahu) and Hollande… now that they have Hollande, they are pushing him to the edge, using pressure on Sarkozy, right hand of Bibi, they moved in Tripoli, blackmailing Roma."

Anonymous ID: 36280f Oct. 28, 2018, 5:37 a.m. No.3637477   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Remember the Order of St. Hubertus? the secret "hunting" fraternity that was connected with the Scalia death in Texas, the fraternity that dresses up in robes and medals and is heavily composed of influential men, usually older men.They go through a "knighting" procedure that is quite elaborate : It's Grand Master is Istvan von Hapsburg Lothringen of Luxembourg with royal connections (grandson of the last Austrian emperor) .Although nondenominational, the investiture venues include Grace Cathedral in San Francisco ( and the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Wash.DC (cocktails later at the Belgian Ambassador's residence in 2011)


"Grand Master and Grand Chapter supervise Chapters in Spain, Portugal, Italy, England, Scotland, the Czech Republic and the Benelux countries in Europe. In the Americas, Chapters are located in the United States, Mexico, Argentina and a chapter is presently in formation in Canada. A chapter is also presently in formation in the Union of South Africa. The traditional headquarters of the Order is the principal residence of the Grand Master, currently the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg."


This hunting elite in Europe like to lay out the day's kill, gutted: Int St Hubertus Order - bag of deer and wild boar - Schildfeld gutted deer and boar laid out for viewing


The order operates under the patronage of Juan Carlos of Spain whose hunting skills perhaps have improved since 1956 when a gun he had in his hand discharged, killing his14 y.o. brother.


The hunting resort Cibola in Texas is owned by John Poindexter, a prominent member of St. Hubertus Texas Chapter. The décor at the resort features devil images:


The American chapter was started in 1966 in Bohemian Club,San Francisco. The order was reconstituted in Europe after WW2 by an American Lt. colonel in postwar Europe . Halvor O. Ekern, also happened to work later as a US diplomat :"

Anonymous ID: 36280f Oct. 28, 2018, 5:50 a.m. No.3637547   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>reconcile. (hint: “aliens” are in the bible. They procreated wth humans creating a species called nephilim in Genesis)


More than just these fellas…many many off world races about…