Anonymous ID: 5bc269 Oct. 28, 2018, 8:09 a.m. No.3638486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8498 >>8652 >>8721 >>8861



Sheriff up for corruption charges but not so fast. Check out the PA attorney general's Feb 17 statement regarding POTUS in light of the synagogue shooting. Sheriff has been in position for a while but PA AG so not sure who's white hat and who's black hat

>Josh Shapiro: Donald Trump told AGs anti-Semitic threats sometimes designed to 'make others look bad'

>On Tuesday, Chief Deputy Sheriff Patricia Fritz was found guilty of summary harassment . That’s not a huge deal for most people. A summary offense is the equivalent of a traffic ticket or a noise complaint. On it’s own, it gets a raised eyebrow and a shrug.


>The third in command just had charges dropped against him. Capt. Travis Day was charged with criminal harassment in Centre County after an incident that ended in him being kicked out of a required training program at Penn State. But hey, charges were dropped, right? Actually, university police say the situation is not over and an investigation continues.


>The county just settled an $85,000 racial discrimination suit with Held’s department last week . Three other suits have been filed against the department this year, and it has been named in 11 since he took office in 2012. Seven have been settled. With settlements and legal fees, costs have topped $300,000.

Anonymous ID: 5bc269 Oct. 28, 2018, 8:11 a.m. No.3638498   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Sheriff has been in position for a while but PA AG so not sure who's white hat and who's black hat


meant to say PA AG doesn't appear to be Trump ally

Anonymous ID: 5bc269 Oct. 28, 2018, 8:27 a.m. No.3638674   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Pres. Obama Endorses Shapiro for AG


Written by Nick Field, Managing Editor


Josh ShapiroPresident Obama has taken an uncommon step and weighed in on PA’s Attorney General Democratic primary.


The President is endorsing Josh Shapiro’s campaign.


“Josh Shapiro is a true progressive with a strong record of standing up for Pennsylvania families,” said President Obama. “As Attorney General he’ll fight to reform the criminal justice system to make it fairer for all and protect seniors and consumers. Josh Shapiro is a person with character and integrity and represents a new generation of progressive leadership. I’m proud to endorse Josh Shapiro for Attorney General.”


“Ever since we met in Pennsylvania a decade ago, I’ve admired Barack Obama and his thoughtful, courageous determination to bring about real change and advance the cause of justice,” Shapiro responded. “I am deeply honored to have earned a rare endorsement from the President. As Attorney General, I will carry on the fight to give a voice to the voiceless in Pennsylvania, bring about fairness in our justice system and continue to take on the status quo, just as President Obama has done throughout his career.”


Shapiro is a long-time Obama supporter, who campaigned for him in the 2008 primary battle against Hillary Clinton.


In an intriguing twist, Kathleen Kane’s 2012 victory over Patrick Murphy was partly the result of the endorsement of former President Bill Clinton. That support came because Kane campaigned for Clinton while Murphy backed Obama in 2008.


Shapiro is running against Allegheny County DA Stephen Zappala and Northampton DA John Morganelli in the April 26th Democratic primary.

Anonymous ID: 5bc269 Oct. 28, 2018, 8:37 a.m. No.3638749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8760 >>8795



President Obama’s Remarks in Pittsburgh


January 29, 2014 in All News About Us


Karen Post at President Obama's speechThis past Monday, we received an invitation from the White House to attend President Obama’s visit to the Pittsburgh area today. It is an honor to be an invited guest of the President, so David Kahley, our President & CEO, and Karen Post, our CFO, braved the 7 degree temperature at the event to shake the President’s hand, in support of economic opportunity for American citizens.


President Barack Obama visited the U.S. Steel Irvin Plant as a stage to dramatize the themes of worker equity that ran through Tuesday night’s State of the Union address. Mr. Obama discussed the contrast between the situations of workers covered by traditional pension plans, such as the steelworkers he addressed, and the insecurity of families whose financial challenges make it difficult to save for retirement.


President Obama’s visit to the U.S. Steel Plant is part of a two-day, four-stop tour to support the agenda he discussed in Tuesday’s State of the Union address.


Read more in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.


Related News: Working It Out: Obama Speaks About Minimum Wage At Maryland Costc