Anonymous ID: 8a62e0 Oct. 28, 2018, 7:40 a.m. No.3638229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8242 >>8256 >>8282 >>8296 >>8299 >>8339 >>8365 >>8734 >>8841

The Federal Reserve is ‘independent’ — here’s what that means


What it means for the Fed to be independent


Having an independent, decentralized central bank is a crucial safeguard to the economic health of the country.


During the Bank Panic of 1907, there was a greater demand of liquidity than what was available. When people went to pull their money out of banks, there wasn’t enough cash on hand to pay them out — and there was no centralized bank to come in and assist the banks in need. As a result, the stock market dropped 50 percent from its peak the previous year.


To prevent another meltdown, the Federal Reserve was established in 1913 under the Federal Reserve Act; it was put in place as a centralized, independent entity of the federal government.


Being independent means the Fed has the ability to make monetary decisions without executive approval. The organization receives oversight from Congress but ultimately makes decisions on its own.


Why the Fed’s independence is important


By operating independently, the Fed has the ability to make decisions in the best interest of the overall economy. The Fed makes decisions, including setting the federal funds rate, based on its mandate to contain inflation and boost employment. Political considerations, including comments by the president, are not part of the Fed’s mandate.


“The president appears to be trying to assign blame for any potentially bad outcomes that might involve the economy and financial markets,” says Mark Hamrick, senior economic analyst at Bankrate. “He’s taking the highly unusual step of attacking the very Federal Reserve chairman whom he nominated.”


Trump’s public disapproval is unusual for a sitting president. Historically, presidents have generally refrained from commenting on the Fed’s decisions. Some, including former Fed Chair Janet Yellen, worry Trump’s comments could damage not only the Fed’s credibility but the nation’s financial stability.


In a tweet, Ian Shepherdson, chief economist of Pantheon Macroeconomics, put Trump’s public criticism into perspective.


“The Fed has no choice but to raise rates in (December), unless the sky really falls in on the stock market,” reads the tweet. “If they don’t hike, Powell will be tainted immediately and forever, and the Treasury market will crater.”


While Trump continues to stir up the drama about the Fed’s decisions, Hamrick says consumers shouldn’t be worried about him taking over control of the country’s central bank. In fact, Hamrick says it would be difficult for him to do so.


“The nominations (for a new Fed chairman) must be approved by both the Senate Banking Committee and the full Senate,” Hamrick says. “The Senate generally takes its job very seriously in reviewing the quality of the nominations, which is why we have and need to have three branches of the federal government.”








Anonymous ID: 8a62e0 Oct. 28, 2018, 8 a.m. No.3638383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8390 >>8403 >>8405 >>8429 >>8545

Next Stock Market Crash Will Hit by Oct. 31, 2018


The financial expert who predicted both the dot-com crash and the 2008 crash warns the next one could be just days away.


In fact, his research says by Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2018, the average stock traded on Wall Street could collapse by at least half.


And this won't be a "flash crash" that's over before you know it.


Money Morning Chief Investment Strategist Keith Fitz-Gerald says this is a $6 trillion ticking time bomb.


stocksIt will be – by far – the most painful stock market crash in memory.


You see, decades ago, corrupt money managers and politicians left a giant $6 trillion deficit in pension funding.


Now, U.S. pension plans are already defaulting left and right. They are breaking the promises they made to current and future retirees. Even worse, the deficit is so massive there's nothing U.S. President Donald Trump or Congress can do about it now. It's more than six times Washington's 2017 deficit.


And the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation – the fund Washington created to backstop these funds – is already worse than broke. The PBGC is nearly $80 billion in the red.


These underfunded pensions have already started to default. Keith's research shows compelling evidence that the first major failures are almost here.


Between now and Oct. 31 – as these funds begin to crash – they will push 31 million pensioners, the U.S. stock and bond markets, and the entire U.S. economy to the brink of catastrophe.


But you don't have to be a victim to this unprecedented greed…


For one thing, if you get started now, there's still time to prepare.


And for another, there's plenty you can do to protect yourself.


What's more, it's easy to do. You can begin protecting everything you own in just a few minutes.


And if you play your cards right, this great pension time bomb could also make you quite a bit wealthier.



Anonymous ID: 8a62e0 Oct. 28, 2018, 8:22 a.m. No.3638630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8659

What to Watch This Week



Oct. 29: Personal income/spending; Dallas Fed manufacturing

Oct. 30: S&P CoreLogic home prices; Conference Board consumer confidence

Oct. 31: Weekly mortgage applications; ADP employment; employment cost index; Chicago purchasing managers


Treasury’s quarterly refunding announcement on Oct. 31 will be closely watched


Fed officials of past and present appear


Oct. 29: Chicago Fed President Charles Evans speaks in Chicago


Oct. 30: Former Fed Chair Janet Yellen speaks in Washington