Anonymous ID: ac1647 Oct. 28, 2018, 8:08 a.m. No.3638468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8487 >>8497 >>8499 >>8504 >>8535 >>8721 >>8814 >>8861

Gab Booted By Hosting Company After Synagogue Shooting


Following the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, social media network Gab was given notice by its hosting provider, Joyent, that they have until Monday to move the website elsewhere before they would disable it.


In a Sunday tweet, Gab said: "@joyent, Gab’s new hosting provider, has just pulled our hosting service. They have given us until 9am on Monday to find a solution. Gab will likely be down for weeks because of this. Working on solutions."

Breaking: @joyent, Gab’s new hosting provider, has just pulled our hosting service. They have given us until 9am on Monday to find a solution. Gab will likely be down for weeks because of this. Working on solutions. We will never give up on defending free speech for all people. —🍂 (@getongab) October 28, 2018

Thanks to Gab, these law enforcement agencies now have concrete evidence and a clear motive. MORE speech is ALWAYS the answer.

Now Gab is being forced off the internet for the disgusting actions of one man. —🍂 (@getongab) October 28, 2018


Gab came under fire immediately after the shooting when it was revealed that suspected attacker Robert Bowers was an active user who frequently ranted against Jews and President Trump. His last post on Gab reads in part: "Screw your optics, I'm going in" shortly before killing 11 people at the Tree of Life congregation in Squirrel Hill.


Hours after the shooting, PayPal severed ties with Gab with no explanation: BREAKING: is now banned from Paypal "just because."

—🍂 (@getongab) October 27, 2018


In August, Microsoft threatened to cease hosting services for Gab over two anti-Semitic posts, according to founder Andrew Torba, who deleted the posts and subsequently moved hosts to Joyent. Reactions to Gab's "deplatforming" have ranged from shock to applause. They've already received at least one offer for a new host: We would be more than glad to work with you, we also think free speech is important we are an almost 1 year old hosting provider and host multiple free speech chan's and sites and have not bent over to censoring our clients or kicking them out. — Sibyl Systems LTD (@sibyl_ltd) October 28, 2018


As Gab and others noted yesterday following PayPal's decision, Robert Bowers posted to other social media networks, while plenty of bigoted, threatening and "hateful" content exists on the likes of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and elsewhere.

Anonymous ID: ac1647 Oct. 28, 2018, 8:15 a.m. No.3638544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8636 >>8721 >>8861

U.S. Completes Largest Ammo Shipment To Europe Since NATO Bombing Of Yugoslavia


Is something big coming related to heightened tensions either with Russia, Iran, or Syria? It appears the U.S. military is publicizing a "show of force" of sorts, but not exactly in the conventional way of deploying tanks, ships, and aircraft. Instead the official US Air Force website,, has announced to the world late this week that Ramstein Air Base in Germany has received its largest shipment of ammo in 20 years. The official government Air Force website announced: he 86th Munitions Squadron on Ramstein Air Base, Germany, received its largest shipment of ordnance in recent history. Approximately 100 containers with a variety of munitions rolled into Ramstein during the month of October. Master Sgt. David Head, 86th MUNS Munitions Operations section chief, noted that a delivery of such magnitude has not taken place since the late 20th century. This, according to the press release, is so that the Department of Defense (DoD) will have the "ability to provide a rapid response against threats made by aggressive actors."


It comes amidst dangerously heightened rhetoric from both the White House and NATO which are threatening to finally pull out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty, something which Russia says it will refuse to renegotiate. The build-up of ordinance in the heart of Europe also comes after months of back-and-forth threats between Washington and Iran as the latter attempts to survive an aggressive US sanctions regimen. An Air Force spokesman said of the unusual size of the munitions transfer: “This is the largest shipment of its kind since Operation Allied Force, which took place in 1999,” according to The spokesman, Master Sgt. David Head, referred to the 78-day NATO operation over Yugoslavia to bomb Serbian military positions and cities like Belgrade. “The munitions that we received will be used for future theater operations and the evolving U.S. European Command presence,” he added.


Interestingly, the press release even mentioned potentially supplying operations in Africa where US AFRICOM has been expanding rapidly, according to a separate official: “We’re a major airlift hub for U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa, so our main job is to get munitions where they need to be on time.” International arms monitors and reports have frequently commented on a build-up of US and NATO forces and military equipment since the 2014 Russian annexation of Crimea after a referendum there saw a vast majority of the population vote to unite with Russia. Thousands of NATO troops and heavy weapons have since been deployed to Baltic States, Poland and southeastern Europe, also involving large scale and regular drills. Washington and NATO officials have cited "aggressive behavior" from Moscow as the reason for the concentration of forces.


Last Monday President Trump significantly upped the ante in terms of escalating rhetoric with Moscow when he said of the INF treaty that “Russia has not adhered to the agreement,” and warned that the United States intends to build up its nuclear arsenal until “people come to their senses.” The INF treaty is expected to be at the top of the agenda when Presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump are set to meet in Paris on November 11 on the sidelines of commemorative events of the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War. Until then we expect the build-up both in terms of rhetoric and possibly weapons transfers into Europe to continue.

Anonymous ID: ac1647 Oct. 28, 2018, 8:22 a.m. No.3638619   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3638487 Like comms for the cabal? Entirely possible.

>>3638497 Agreed, but Gab being a smaller sect, is easier to take down without much of a fight (legal).


>>3638499 They might.


>>3638504 There aren't many left, Gab is a smaller player when you look at the whole picture of these kind of sites.


>>3638535 Not sure how it works but, couldn't anyone just be a host with the right tools?

Anonymous ID: ac1647 Oct. 28, 2018, 8:26 a.m. No.3638658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8667 >>8677 >>8721

Mattis: Military moving equipment to border ahead of migrant caravan


The U.S. military has already begun delivering jersey barriers to the southern border in conjunction with plans to deploy active duty troops there, U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Sunday as a caravan of Central Americans slowly heads across Mexico toward the United States. Mattis told reporters traveling with him that details of the deployment are still being worked out but he should have them Sunday night. They will include exactly how many forces are needed.


The additional troops will provide logistical and other support to the Border Patrol, and will bolster the efforts of the approximately 2,000 National Guard forces already there. The new forces are expected to provide logistical assistance such as air support and equipment, including vehicles and tents.


National Guard troops routinely perform those same functions, so it is not clear why active duty forces are being used. President Donald Trump for the past week has been calling attention to the caravan heading by foot into southern Mexico, but it is still hundreds of miles from U.S. soil. The National Guard is often used by states to help with border security. But active duty troops are rarely deployed within the United States except for domestic emergencies like hurricanes or floods.

Anonymous ID: ac1647 Oct. 28, 2018, 8:31 a.m. No.3638699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8720 >>8753 >>8794 >>8821 >>8825 >>8886

Adam Schiff says it's 'no accident' Trump, GOP target Soros: 'Whole modus operandi is to divide us'


Rep. Adam Schiff of California on Sunday said President Trump preaches unity in the wake of the tragedy but flirts with danger every morning by stoking divisions on Twitter and mocking George Soros, a prominent Jewish donor for Democrats and target of political attacks from the GOP. “Honestly, I think this president’s whole modus operandi is to divide us,” Mr. Schiff, a Democrat, told CNN’s State of the Union, one day after a gunman killed 11 people at a Pittsburgh synagogue while making anti-Semitic comments.


Mr. Schiff said the American people have a “collective responsibility” to reel in hatred, yet “no one sets the the tone more than the president of the United States.” The congressman said the president has failed to lead. “It’s going to fall on all the rest of us to make this a more perfect union,” Mr. Schiff said.


President Trump condemned the anti-Semitic attack on Saturday and tweeted that Americans must “unite to conquer hate.” Yet his critics say he’s been too willing to flirt with nefarious voices, citing his reference to honorable people on “both sides” of the riots in Charlottesville, Virginia, last year.


Mr. Schiff said it’s also “no accident” that Republicans have targeted Mr. Soros, a wealthy Hungarian-American who donates to liberal candidates and is also Jewish, as a boogeyman ahead of the mid-term elections.


Mr. Soros was the first in a line of prominent liberals and Democratic officials to receive pipe bombs in the mail. No one was injured in the mailings, and officials arrested a suspect — Cesar Sayoc — in Florida on Friday.

Anonymous ID: ac1647 Oct. 28, 2018, 8:38 a.m. No.3638754   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How migrants manipulate generous U.S. asylum system


A federal court of appeals ruling this month provides a peek at the U.S.’s generous asylum system that will have the effect of welcoming the impending instant mass migration from Central America. Some migrants among the caravan, due to arrive at the southern border within weeks, have told reporters they plan to capitalize on the years-long process to try to gain legal status.


The court case involved Venezuelan Helegner Ramon Tijera Moreno. He deserted the army, came to America and sought asylum by declaring himself persecuted by Caracas‘ authoritarian socialist government. Two years later, he was before the 10th Circuit in Denver––a member of the second highest network of federal appeals courts below the Supreme Court. A three-judge panel on Oct. 22 denied Mr. Moreno’s petition. He cannot stay legally.


The ruling provides a look at the long due process the U.S. provides each asylum seeker who merely has to step onto American soil and make the declaration to put off deportation. The court opinion also includes Mr. Moreno’s narrative on life inside a once-prosperous country now beset by economic turmoil, food shortages, crime, and a crackdown on dissent. It is easier to claim asylum than to ultimately prove a person deserves it. To ask for asylum via the online form No I-589, the person files inside the United States no matter how entry was gained––legally or illegally. As the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services states, “To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum status regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.”


Federal law sets a high adjudication bar. The law says an alien must demonstrate he is a refugee “who is unable or unwilling to return to ….. that country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of … race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political option.”


To start the process, Mr. Moreno in 2016 first received a “credible-fear” interview by customs officials who determined he lacked valid entry documents and planned to deport him. He stopped the process by then applying for asylum and protection under the Convention Against Torture, ensuring he could not be removed. His next stop was before an immigration judge who denied his petition and ordered him deported. His third step was the Board of Immigration Appeals. “The BIA agreed with the [judge’s] conclusion that Mr. Moreno failed to show he suffered past persecution,” the 10th circuit opinion said.

Anonymous ID: ac1647 Oct. 28, 2018, 8:51 a.m. No.3638892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8915 >>8926

Migrant caravan halts after report of abducted child


Coordinators of a caravan of several thousand Central American migrants moving through southern Mexico urged its members to rest Sunday. At first the migrants vowed to press on anyway but later changed their minds amid reports that a child had been abducted. The migrants said they would stay and hold a meeting Sunday in Tapanatepec. Late Saturday night, groups of migrants were running through the town’s streets saying a migrant’s child had been snatched. Something similar led to a panic at an earlier stop, but was not confirmed.


After being delayed for a couple hours when federal police halted their exit from the town of Arriaga Saturday morning, most of the migrants arrived in Tapanatepec in the searing heat. Dozens headed down to the Novillero river below the central square to bathe, wash clothing and cool off. Others lined up at a medical aid station mostly for attention to their battered feet. For the first time an arm of the federal government seemed to be directly helping the migrants advance rather than trying to diminish the caravan. In this case Grupo Beta, Mexico’s migrant protection agency, gave rides to stragglers and passed out water.


At the caravan’s regular evening meeting in the town square, its coordinators tried to force a little chivalry. Many of the migrants have depended on hitchhiking to move between towns rather than walking the entire way. When trucks stop it’s usually young men who sprint to reach them first. Women carrying children or pushing strollers are at a disadvantage. On Saturday night, a nun scolded the men and urged the women to be more aggressive in pursuing the rides. She said the church would help arrange five trucks to transport only women with children on the next trek to Niltepec about 33 miles (54 kms) away.


“To me it’s bad because there has to be equality because we are all struggling on this path,” said Hector Alvarado. The 25-year-old from Atlantida, Honduras said he had to quit school and leave his wife and 2-year-old daughter to try to make a living in the U.S. Rosa Bonilla is travelling with a 10-year-old daughter and a son who will turn 2 this year. The single mother conceded that she never beat the men to the trucks that stopped, but said some men looked out for the mothers and made sure they got on. “I don’t agree that it should only be women with children,” she said. She argued that husbands should be allowed on because they help protect the women. “If we go alone anything could happen,” she said.


The Mexican government seems torn between stopping the migrants from traveling toward the U.S. border or burnishing its international human rights image. On Saturday, more than a hundred federal police dressed in riot gear blocked a rural highway in southern Mexico shortly before dawn to encourage the migrants to apply for refugee status in Mexico rather than continuing the long, arduous journey north. U.S. President Donald Trump has urged Mexico to prevent the caravan from reaching the border.

Anonymous ID: ac1647 Oct. 28, 2018, 8:54 a.m. No.3638923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8931

Disturbance breaks out at migrant caravan encampment


A local official in southern Mexico says a disturbance broke out at the encampment of Central American migrants trying to make their way through southern Mexico toward the U.S.


Municipal security chief Raul Medina Melendez in the town of Tapanatepec says that some in the crowd grew upset when a man with a megaphone urged them to line up and wait their turn for sandwiches and water the town was distributing late Saturday. He says some began to attack him and he fled down a street. A false rumor spread that the man had grabbed a child for protection from the attackers. The assailants caught and beat him, but police intervened and he was treated at a hospital. As Sunday dawned, several in the crowd took to a microphone to chide their colleagues for the attack and urge better behavior. The group of roughly 4,000 people has decided to rest for the day in the town, which itself has a population of only about 7,500.