Anonymous ID: 866701 Oct. 28, 2018, 10:06 a.m. No.3639631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9642 >>9663 >>9671


>This is the woman who controls the MAGA/ANON destiny from now up to the elections. She controls the election via the voting booth. As you remember a while back she was given the reins to solve the fake voting issues which Demoncrat's thrive on.


>I am sure her and her team are watching over the country.




Anonymous 10/28/18 (Sun) 10:38:18 1a9ec4 (1) No.3638756


>>3638596 (You)


And I’m watching over her. Hrrr


Tank you!!!!! ID:1a9ec4 No.3638756