Illegal aliens already have their very own representatives in the House of Representatives.
Even if illegals they don’t actually vote illegally they are still being represented in the House because the census doesn’t ask about citizenship.
Districts are formed around populations. If illegals were thrown off of the census and not counted, districts would change dramatically making it harder for Democrats to hold seats.
For Democrats, illegals mean power. Take away illegals and you very directly take away power from them.
How the census is conducted MUST be changed!
They do have more representation than you or at least have taken representation away from you. It’s a zero sum game. What they illegally take has to come from you. They win, you lose.
Here is a post on Free Republic:
How Democrats use Illegals to cheat in House Representation
Let’s say a district had to have 10 units of people in it to make voting district. The RATs take 5 Blue units mix it wit 5 units of illegals and call it a district.
Red districts have fewer illegals so we have to have 10 Units of Red voters to make a district.
So 10 units of Blue voters + illegals = 2 districts
10 units of Red voters + no illegals = 1 district
This is why Trump wants citizenship on the Census. To make districts based on Eligible Voters not population