Your rabbis suck baby d*ck. Everyone has their own idea of 'normal' after all.
Yeah you'll probably convert to Orthodox Christianity and lay low for a while until it looks safe to come out again. Yawn, totally hasn't happened before in history.
Your argument is very compelling, anon. You mean to tell me the kike-infested sh*thole commonly referred to as the Russian Federation (#2 exporter of prostitutes on the planet) is actually a bastion of Christian and family-friendly values headed by yarmulke-wearing Shelomov Epstein Putin where heebs basically run the entire economy? Thanks for enlightening me, anon, I was such a fool.
Is Q telling us Trump is in his killbox?
Oh, right. Good catch, anon. Trump's not a Gentile, is he?
Nah, it doesn't matter if there's this tribe here subverting countries founded by white Europeans and orchestrating replacement immigration to get rid of their chief competitors. Nothing to see here.
You keep calling everyone else names when you read something you don't like and I'm the NPC. Sure thing.
Yeah, Russian males are dirt-poor thanks to based Putin and his kike oligarchy running the economy into the ground over and over again.