Anonymous ID: f4cd59 Oct. 28, 2018, 3:49 p.m. No.3643476   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Obama=Worst POTUS & Biggest Liar in History! Weaponized FBI, CIA, MSM, IRS, The Word Racist,ObamaCare-Keep your Doctor-your Insurance & it will be cheaper! All Lies, Iran Deal-Made Obama & USA the largest funder of Terrorism & helping them develop Nukes! Paris Climate Accord-USA pays the Bills While Russia, China…Pay nothing & allowed to keep polluting, Responsible For The Worst Economic Recovery Since The Great Depression,Fast & Furious-Benghazi-destoyed the democratic party, Sedition of Trump….


Obama & MSM Perpetrating Biggest Con Job on USA Since Bill Clinton's NAFTA.