Anonymous ID: 264707 Oct. 28, 2018, 3:56 p.m. No.3643538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3628 >>3768 >>3843 >>3865

San Francisco Spent $310K to Register 49 Illegals to Vote


Officials forked over $6,326 per undocumented alien to get the interested among them to sign up to cast ballots in school elections


When sanctuary city San Francisco put local taxpayers’ money where local officials’ mouths are by spending $310,000 to encourage illegal aliens to register to vote in school board elections, exactly 49 of them did so.


That works out to an average cost of $6,326 per registered illegal alien.


“The program is the first of its kind in California and followed passage of a 2016 San Francisco ballot measure opening school elections to non-citizens who are over the age of 18, city residents and have children under age 19,” according to


This comes at the same time as spending on San Francisco public schools is suffering, even though California education aid is on the increase.


“Despite the increase in state funding, growing pension and salary demands have manifested themselves in a 5 percent reduction of a combination of programs and staff positions across the district’s central office departments over the past year, and more cuts are on the horizon,” the San Francisco Examiner reported Sunday.


Jonathan Turley, a George Washington University professor and prolific blogger, points to a developing split among San Francisco open-borders advocates as a result of the program to register illegal aliens to vote in local elections.

Anonymous ID: 264707 Oct. 28, 2018, 4:14 p.m. No.3643783   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hamas Commander killed at Gaza border when ‘hand grenade’ exploded prematurely


We appear to have another member of the club, during Hamas-led attempts to breach the Gaza border.


These border attacks began last spring under the name of the “Great March of Return.” From the start, these were not mere protests, but military-style attempts to tear down the border fence, with minors often put out front for the cameras. Huge tire fires were set to create a smokescreen.


A “work accident” is a commonly used term to refer to Palestinian terrorists who die by their own hand when explosives or explosive devices they are handling detonate prematurely. We have covered many such incidents.


Senior Hamas terrorist Imad al-Alami accidentally shoots himself in the head

Hamas explosives chief accidentally blows himself up

Palestinian rocket commander ‘accidentally’ blows himself up

Hamas terrorist killed when attack tunnel collapses on him

Gaza: Two PFLP terrorists killed when rocket they were firing exploded prematurely

Hamas Bomb Expert Blows Himself Up

Anonymous ID: 264707 Oct. 28, 2018, 4:25 p.m. No.3643922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3986 >>4034

US now has first and third most powerful supercomputers


Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) unveiled Sierra the world’s third fastest supercomputer. Sierra has a peak performance of 125 petaFLOPS — 125 quadrillion floating-point operations per second. Early indications using existing codes and benchmark tests are promising, demonstrating as predicted that Sierra can perform most required calculations far more efficiently in terms of cost and power consumption than systems consisting of CPUs alone. Depending on the application, Sierra is expected to be six to 10 times more capable than LLNL’s 20- petaFLOP Sequoia, currently the world’s eighth-fastest supercomputer.


It is the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) first large-scale production heterogeneous system, meaning each node incorporates both IBM central processing units (CPUs) and NVIDIA graphics processing units (GPUs). It is specifically designed for modeling and simulations essential for NNSA’s Stockpile Stewardship Program, ongoing life extension programs, weapons science and nuclear deterrence. It is expected to go into use for classified production in early 2019.


Sierra has 240 computing racks and 4,320 nodes and takes up 7000 square feet. Each node has two IBM POWER 9 CPUs, four NVIDIA V100 GPUs and a Mellanox EDR InfiniBand interconnect. To prepare for this architecture, LLNL has partnered with IBM and NVIDIA to rapidly develop codes and prepare applications to effectively optimize the CPU/GPU nodes.


“The next frontier of supercomputing lies in artificial intelligence,” said John Kelly, senior vice president, Cognitive Solutions and IBM Research. “IBM’s decades-long partnership with LLNL has allowed us to build Sierra from the ground up with the unique design and architecture needed for applying AI to massive data sets. The tremendous insights researchers are seeing will only accelerate high-performance computing for research and business.”


As the first NNSA production supercomputer backed by GPU-accelerated architecture, Sierra’s acquisition required a fundamental shift in how scientists at the three NNSA laboratories program their codes to take advantage of the GPUs. The system’s NVIDIA GPUs also present scientists with an opportunity to investigate the use of machine learning and deep learning to accelerate time-to-solution of physics codes. It is expected that simulation, leveraged by acceleration coming from the use of artificial intelligence technology, will be increasingly employed over the coming decade

Anonymous ID: 264707 Oct. 28, 2018, 4:33 p.m. No.3644024   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Twitter Suspends Black Conservative Movement Leader for Repeating What the Left Says About Them!


Twitter continued their absurd censorship of conservative voices on Sunday, suspending Khaliq Rodriquez — the national director of advancement for the Black Conservative movement.



Twitter suspended our national director of advancement, @RodriquezKhaliq for saying what left calls us.


We are not slaves! We will not be silent. We FREE! #Blexit #freekhaliq


— Black Conservative Movement (@BCMAmerica) October 28, 2018


In the offending tweet, Rodriquez wrote, “the left has called black conservatives Sunken Place Satans, Cns, Uncle Toms, House Niers, and Dumb Negroes. None of us care! We are AMERICAN! WE FREE!” He also included the #Blexit hashtag, which is the new movement launched by Candace Owens to urge black voters to leave the Democratic Party.