Anonymous ID: 2f74d3 Oct. 28, 2018, 4:38 p.m. No.3644084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4089



Fading out but wanted to throw this out. Usual disclaimer that it's my bad if this has been covered already or my spelling/grammar are fucked.


Symbolism will be their downfall.


I'll start by saying I'm just spitballing. This could all be shit, but if someone thinks there's something to it, please run with it for I'm anything but an expert on the underlying symbology.


First, a firm shout-out to the anon a few breads back who linked up the documentary Secrets in Plain Site, Though I've watched it before (relevant part’s link included at the end), and found it utterly masterful, I probably wouldn't have thought of this had you not posted it.


If anyone finds anything I write interesting and worthy of further investigation, let me say that by no means am I implying what happened was a false flag and/or similar to theories floating around on say, Sandyhook. Again, I DON'T KNOW WHAT REALLY HAPPENED AND AM MAKING NO CLAIM TO DO SO. I'M ALSO NOT IMPLYING WHAT OCCURED WAS INFLUENED BY BLACK HATS, WHITE HATS OR WAS SIMPLY AN UNSPEAKABLE TRAGEDY. I lack the necessary information, at least at present, to make that declaration. I am simply sharing some loose thoughts that, with the aide of hindsight, I am not sure are so loose after all. No coincidences. If anything, I'm reminded more about LV and the boatload of not-so-subtle symbology, such as the infamous playing card, 'the singer's' tattoo [JA] matching said playing card, the pyramid layout, the 'devil-horns' stage banners, dry bullet casings lying on a wet surface, sensitive crime scene pictures 'leaking out' almost immediately or any other of the thousands of strange, and still unconvincingly explained, aspects to what occurred.


Anonymous ID: 2f74d3 Oct. 28, 2018, 4:38 p.m. No.3644089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4118



In appreciation to Dr. Judy Wood, let me say I'm approaching this with her system as my guide, namely, not to try to ascertain motive (or the why), but rather, with the what. Everyone and anyone can theorize what happened, but unless you were there, and even that’s problematic, you lack first-hand direct knowledge. It’s speculation at best.


What happened?


Well, from my perspective this. The morning the incident took place InfiniteChan was under the strongest attack I've ever experienced. Often the site itself wouldn't load and when it did I was unable to post. It was happening WHILE the events in Pittsburgh were occurring. I’ve tried to train myself to recognize those glitches in the matrix. The same black cat walked past me…twice. I figured either the cabal saw the Sacoy narrative going down in flames or Q had returned and the site was overloaded. Something was up, that I knew.


With the ability of hindsight I have answered what I think might have been the reason for the DDoS, full-throttle forced blackout. Anons particularly, and greater society generally speaking, are 'waking up' and becoming much more doubtful of official narratives, especially when it comes to tragedies. By disabling the GA board, I’m guessing one of the most active places online during last Saturday morning (with the previous year building it up), PittAnons were unable to go observe, inspect and/or verify the news because they were unaware nor could anyone send a message to others to go do the same. It seems (cough, cough), we all had to learn after the fact.


Now some more of the what.


  1. This tragedy occurred, as has been reported, during a 'brit milah' or a bris. For the uninitiated, ignorant (as in lacking knowledge), or now misguided due to our moo joos, this important aspect has been overlooked. First what is a bris? In short, it's the circumcision [please no slides as to whether it's archaic, barbaric, holy or cruel – not relevant to this]. If you ask an ignorant anon, he (tits or gtfo) might actually show you a meme with Rabbis sucking on the bleeding private-part of the young male baby to get a dose of adrenochrome. If, however, we can leave cuckoo-land for a minute, I’ll offer another definition. One that I speak of personally, having had my own, and one with close to a half-century of being present during the times my young male relatives had theirs. Though Jewish, I make no claim to knowing the ritual aspects, and biblically mandated timing, behind these covenants of circumcision. What I do know is this. They typically occur when a young couple has a baby boy, and within its first year of life, the family, relatives and friends of family will gather and a Mohel (sic?) / the Rabbi who performs the 'bris milah' will perform the dirty deed. Snip, the baby cries and then is given something to comfort it, typically with ONE SINGLE DROP, OR LESS, of Kosher wine applied to its lips. Typically, the baby quickly stops crying, is given a bottle of milk with a pacifier and life moves on.


Anonymous ID: 2f74d3 Oct. 28, 2018, 4:39 p.m. No.3644118   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What's my rambling point. My point is this. The shooting was to have happened during the bris with, what I've read, were three separate congregations present. Those who have died, at least what I've read, were all elderly Jews. In short, I find it odd that what should have been a place bustling with all ages, young and old, only tragically affected a group of elderly people. For Biblical reasons, Orthodox congregations separate the men from the women (each on one side of an aisle), but to my knowledge never by age. Perhaps the really young children have a playroom to help with noise.


  1. This was reported to have occurred at the 'Tree of Life' Congregation. As a side, Brad Pitt/Jessica Chastain's movie of the same name is wonderful, but I see no connection (as yet). But now the symbology and the above mentioned documentary.


As the movie, Secrets in Plain Site explains the District of Columbia aka D.C., was designed in such a way that the grid forms the Tree of Life (pics related). Please watch Part #2 below, if nothing else, as it immediately focuses on this historical background. The full documentary is over 3 hours if I recall.


From there someone else must take it. The Tree of Life dates back to Aristotle and is included in almost every culture, religion and the design itself is found throughout nature. Did Black Hats try to corrupt a Holy concept? Was the site chosen as a sick play on words?


  1. Chan was knocked out – uniquely so.

  2. Tree of Life

  3. Only elderly victims


Again, realize I wrote so many words and it might be tl;dr. Were there a paper I could have sent my theory I would have used it. I do not have a blog or any other place to post. Thank you for your patience.


