Anonymous ID: 3680ac Oct. 28, 2018, 3:54 p.m. No.3643521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3553 >>3556 >>3601 >>3642 >>3684 >>3710 >>3763 >>3928 >>4058 >>4166

Jair Bolsonaro Wins Brazil Presidential Race - Early Results


The right-wing candidate of the Social Liberal Party is known for his populist rhetoric. He has spoken in favor of paying women less, loosening guns control and called US President Donald Trump his inspiration.


On foreign policy, Bolsonaro has echoed the US president’s views, promising to move the embassy in Israel to disputed Jerusalem and shut the Palestinian representative office in Brazil. His leftist challenger Fernando Haddad has been campaigning for tighter weapons control, more active steps to to curb a rise in homicides, and social security reforms. He stands for multilateralism and a bigger role of regional organizations, such as Mercosur and BRICS.


According to the Brazil Superior Electoral Court, with nearly 95 percent of ballots counted, Bolsonaro had almost 56 percent of the votes in the run-off election against left-wing hopeful Fernando Haddad, who had 44 percent.


The newly elected president will assume office on January 1, 2019 for a four-year term.

Anonymous ID: 3680ac Oct. 28, 2018, 3:56 p.m. No.3643534   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pro-Life Site Being Targeted By Leftist Deplatforming Campaign


The pro-life website LifeSite News is asking for prayers as they are being targeted by a leftist deplatforming campaign and have been alerted that their site will be removed by their hosting company.


According to an urgent notice on their website, their web developer was up all night working on temporary measures to keep the site online after they received the notice on Saturday evening.


“However, this is only a temporary solution. We are currently looking for a web-hosting company that will not cave to threats of this kind. We are also exploring legal options to combat Adam Flanders’ campaign of harassment as well as our web-hosting company’s extraordinary decision to give us 12 hours to move our site late on a Saturday evening. We will keep our readers posted,” the notice read.


Their web hosting company had emailed them at 8:30 p.m. on Saturday evening saying,“we are implementing our ‘SUSPENSION OF SERVICES’ clause…and giving you 12 hours notice to move your web site operations off of our servers…” LifeSite says that they had received no previous notice about the decision.


LifeSite is just the latest victim of repeated campaigns from the left to have right-wing voices removed from the internet and the digital public square.


Earlier this month their Twitter account was also temporarily banned from the platform over an article they tweeted in 2014.


A petition calling for LifeSite’s Twitter account to be reinstated surpassed 8,000 signatures.

Anonymous ID: 3680ac Oct. 28, 2018, 3:59 p.m. No.3643561   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Universities Have Taken Over $614,000,000 From Saudi Arabia Since 2011


This explains a great deal, for it is not only true that “these gifts and contracts, in some instances, are intended to influence students’ and faculty experts’ views on the kingdom”; it is also true that these gifts and contracts are intended to influence students’ and faculty experts’ views on Islam, jihad and Sharia.


Georgetown University isn’t even on the lists below, but Saudi money funds its Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, and its Bridge Initiative, both of which are dedicated to giving the fictions that Islam is a religion of peace and Sharia is benign and compatible with democracy an intellectual veneer, while smearing and defaming all those who speak the truth about Islam and Sharia as “Islamophobes.”


Georgetown’s faculty is full of Wahhabis, Salafis, and apologists for Islam, including Islamic convert and pro-slavery spokesman Jonathan A. C. Brown.


And that’s just Georgetown.


Imagine what it must be like at MIT, George Washington U, and the rest.


“Before Killing Of Journalist, Elite US Universities Took $600 Million From Saudi Arabia And Affiliates,” by Luke Rosiak, Daily Caller, October 23, 2018:


Before the death of a Washington Post contributor in a Saudi Arabian embassy, elite U.S. universities took more than half a billion dollars from the country and its affiliates between 2011 and 2017.


These gifts and contracts, in some instances, are intended to influence students’ and faculty experts’ views on the kingdom.


Saudi Arabian interests paid $614 million to U.S. universities over a six-year period, more than every country but Qatar and the United Kingdom, Department of Education data analyzed by The Daily Caller News Foundation shows. That includes $120 million from the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission to the U.S., whose website says it “disseminate[s] information that reflects Saudi culture, tradition, and heritage through our active participation in academic, cultural, and social activities.”


About $200 million came in the form of gifts, while the rest were contracts. U.S. law requires universities to disclose “information about gifts received from any foreign source, contracts with a foreign entity, and any ownership interests in or control over the institution by a foreign entity.”…

Anonymous ID: 3680ac Oct. 28, 2018, 4:05 p.m. No.3643647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3696 >>3779

If you needed anymore confirmation this was a FF, here it is


Eiffel Tower to Go Dark in Support of Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting Victims


The landmark Eiffel Tower in Paris will go dark on Sunday night as a tribute to those killed in a shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue, the Paris mayor said.


"As a tribute to the victims of the anti-Semitic attack in Pittsburgh, we will turn off the Eiffel Tower for a minute this Sunday," Anne Hidalgo tweeted. Hidalgo expressed her condolences to the Jewish community and all people of Pittsburgh and solidarity with its mayor Bill Pebuto, saying "Paris and Parisians stand by your side."


On Saturday, French interior minister Christophe Castaner urged local communities to increase vigilance at synagogues around the country in wake of Pittsburgh shooting.


US authorities said they had filed hate crime charges against the gunman who opened fire at the Tree of Life synagogue on Saturday, killing 11 people. The attack is estimated to have lasted 20 minutes. Robert Bowers walked through the Tree of Life synagogue, shooting at people in three locations.


Four police and SWAT officers were wounded in the fire exchange with the gunman. One of them was discharged on Saturday and another one be released later on Sunday.


US Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Saturday that the suspect could face death penalty.


Note: No gestures like this for the millions killed is pursuit of the greater Israel project tho right???