Anonymous ID: c1c055 Oct. 28, 2018, 3:57 p.m. No.3643544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3569

>>3643488 (pbs)

FUCKING really? OMG an X is occult…some woo woo idiot told me so…X, the hooked x…ayieeeee the danger…X marks THE SPOT


and you fucking cannot spell exit without an X.


Retard level >9000



>means she is working for israel?

yes…KEK it's her fucking office..Honduras is up israel's ass sideways. But thanks for playing JIDF.

Anonymous ID: c1c055 Oct. 28, 2018, 4:01 p.m. No.3643592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3659

>>3643480 (pb)

Missionaries have a LOT to fucking answer for. You cannot introduce the level of magical thinking involved in xianity and islam into a already superstitious backwards culture. They do not have the mental processors to figure out…bible says kill the witch…and actually killing the witch…probably are not a good idea…but then, they are practicing xianity the way the bible tells them….so…'


do not make this an OMG poor xians bullshit…Nigrian xians are absolutely barbaric…which is fundamental xianity at it's core. Now toss in some good old fashioned islam…and the Nigerians can go back to killing each other every day…just like always…only wearing more clothes an using foreign words, like Jesus and Allah.


Missionaries are responsible for some of the most heinous crimes against humanity ever.

Anonymous ID: c1c055 Oct. 28, 2018, 4:02 p.m. No.3643605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3660


>Yes. I am jidf for using common sense

well then pardner…how's 'bout putting some good old fashioned edjumakashon behind your idiotic statements…because Israel is up Honduras ass sideways…and Argentina…and quite possibly now..El Salvador.

Anonymous ID: c1c055 Oct. 28, 2018, 4:19 p.m. No.3643855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3885 >>4251

>>3643407 (PB)

>As for blaming it on the jews, I dont remeber the catholic church being officially pro gay either


DUDE>..where does the Catholic Cult get their doctrine….holy shit the JIDF needs to get you some education…where does the doctrine against masturbation come from?


here let me halp


Onan…Onan and Tamar…Onan spilled his seed somewhere other than where god told him to (aka inside Tamar his brother's dead wife).


All we know is that god the jew god, was so concerned with where seed went that he actually smote Onan (aka killed him) for

  1. Not finding Tamar attractive enough to get the job done right

  2. finding her so attractive he spooge before he even got into the tunnel of love

  3. He wanked off himself and spilled his seed on the ground…rather than fuck Tamar…

  4. or he selfishing didn't want to give Tamar another child which might make his inheritance smaller as his kid…would be considered his brother's kid…and god is so worried about who fucks who and who does and does not have kids..that he actually concerned himself with the minutia of daily jew wanking fucking reproductive life.


Because of that fucking stupid ass story, centuries of boys around the world were condemned to hell for the sin of wanking…(well you got off the wank death charge if you confessed and did penance) and this is primarily where the "every sperm is sacred" doctrine comes from…one fucking stupid jew story..


ALL the while these men are thinking..what a fucking asshole god..why did he make my arms long enough to reach it, and playing with it so much fun if he was ONLY GOING TO KILL ME FOR DOING IT?


Jew god…yep not really their fault tho…it's the fault of all the non-thinking retards that auto believe without thinking.


The real question with Onan and Tamar's ejaculation smiting…is who the flipping fuck told???..did Onan only have one shot to knock Tamar up??? Did Tamar run out of the tent shouting god god his seed spilled onto the ground…KEEEL HIMMMMM


Yep…Onan disobeyed god…he failed to knock Tamar up…and he got smote. BOOM…..dead.

Anonymous ID: c1c055 Oct. 28, 2018, 4:22 p.m. No.3643886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4266


>Argentina was quite against israel from what i remember.

Argentina is literally full of full of them. more Jews went to Argentina than Nazi…wait..wut? Jews and Naxzi went to Argentina…about the same time? WAT?


Well…they did.

Anonymous ID: c1c055 Oct. 28, 2018, 4:25 p.m. No.3643924   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>What consistently amazes me is how you

think saying shit is going to like…erase the words…fingers in ears…LALALA didn't see stupid thing I said turned completely around on me…therefore I'm just going to post stupid memes and pretend there's nothing to day because I fail at jew support…cause i'm stupid.


Say it three times slowly and then maybe you'll be able to stop saying stupid shit on the Internet.


YOU make arguement (stupid argument)


I literally wipe the floor with you and you're like…waaaah can't you find a new word other than JIDF…that's so old..well Schlomo let us know when (((THEY))) change the name


FAKE…too fuckin funny.

Anonymous ID: c1c055 Oct. 28, 2018, 4:28 p.m. No.3643949   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Put down the crack pipe.

woah brah you slay me with your intellect and clever rhetoric…the brilliant way you took my argument apart and proved me wrong will go down in history books… really!