very good summary anon.
that is exactly the reason why I want OUT of the midwest and want to move to the Ozarks.
The ozarks are FULL of trees.
When I was growing up you couldn't look to the horizon in any direction and not see trees somewhere along the path to the horizon ANYWHERE in the country.
Now…. it's common to find places in the country and not see a damn tree for 75% of the horizon.
I'm only 35 by the way
>Does a ticket guarante you get in????
what the fuck are you smoking
only way to guarantee you get in is wait in line for 12 hours
thank you for the article, good article…. I've read somewhere that in the old farming books from centuries of wisdom that 10% of any farm needs to be planted in trees. 60 acres of trees for every 600 acres.
>Reminds me that supposedly a squirrel could go from one end of the continent to the other without touching the ground.
Yep, hadn't thought of that one.
The assholes on the land around here don't fucking understand anything but the power of the almighty dollar.
What would happen if 50% of them decided to quit farming for a year and go vacation in Hawaii instead of growng crops?
The price of corn would double or triple by the time they got back from their vacation and the land would be infinetly healthier.
But no they're on their fucking hamster wheel.
Yep….. I live in a town absolutely full of pine trees and castles in Iowa. Can you name the town? One of the rich people here liked both.
I like to coppice trees. I have a maple tree that's 3 years old now, I cut it back every fall and let it grow every spring. Every year it's gotten bigger. This year it was 10 feet high when I cut it down. Get the benefit without the shade issues.
Reminds me of a house that I'm currently cleaning out. parents and grandparents both dead, beautiful four square house in the middle of a early town. Look through the house and it's obvious what happened…. kids wasted their life playing video games and never made enough money to afford to keep up the house.
No, I don't tap.
>Shooting guns is good but anons need to know how to write code or the whole war is lost. Guns will be obsolete soon.
Anon….. you don't have a clue of what you speak.
Look up the carrington event. One hell of a solar flare, at JUST THE RIGHT TIME to serve as a drastic warning to humanity without completely destroying society as it was at the time. [In my opinion, the brightest time in history was the Victorian age, from about 1870-1895. We were making rapid progress on solving issues, without oil or gas. ]
Where are we 150 years later? In an world that practically DEPENDS on electricity. Everything is connected by wires. What do solar flares do? They induce currents in wires. What happens to currents in wires? They melt the insulation on the wires, before melting the wires.
Ever look at wiring from that era compared to wiring today? For 50 years after the Carrington event you had something called Knob and Tube Wiring. Inherently VERY safe wiring and if the insulation melted off, who cares- it still worked fine. Holes through wood were done with ceramic insulators- ceramic mounts on wood- and outlets were all put into steel boxes. Not much to go wrong with knob and tube.
What do we have today? We have ROMEX and network cable. Ever try to melt the insulation on romex? It'll burn up with a candle flame. What happens when all the wiring in the world has it's insulation melted off of it?
You. Are. Properly. Fucked.
9 should be Brazil's Trump