Anonymous ID: 6593aa Oct. 28, 2018, 6:15 p.m. No.3645250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5357 >>5624 >>5681

Canada Accepts Dozens of White Helmets Evacuated from Syria - Reports


Canada has accepted 117 White helmets along with their family members, evacuated earlier in July from war-torn Syria with the help of Israel, CBC News reported Sunday.


In late July, over 400 White Helmets' activists and their families were evacuated from Syria at the request of Canada, European countries, and the United States amid a full-scale offensive by Syrian government troops against militants and terrorists in country’s southwestern regions.


According to CBC News, the now-former White Helmets will be settled in four provinces, including British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Nova Scotia. The international community reportedly expected to remove up to 1,200 evacuees, including first responders and their families. In the end, only 422 Syrian White Helmets and their families managed to get out last July.


CBC News said, citing evacuees, that hundreds of White Helmets remain in Syria.


Canada's Foreign Ministry said earlier that Ottawa was in the process of resettling a group of White Helmets members who had to leave Syria, stressing that security screening was completed before members of the Syrian civil defense group can fly to Canada as refugees.


According to Syrian President Bashar Assad, the group is affiliated with al-Qaeda terrorist organization. The Russian permanent mission to the European Union said earlier that the evacuation of the White Helmets from Syria proves that the states organizing the operation were seeking to cover up the provocative actions of the self-proclaimed humanitarian group.


For those who want to know the truth about the white helmets:


Massive White Helmets Photo Cache Proves Hollywood Gave Oscar to Terrorist Group


Direct Terrorist Collusion: Over One Dozen Videos Capture White Helmets Working Side-By-Side With Terrorist Groups in Syria


“Now You See Me” – Over 100 White Helmet Self-Posted Facebook Images Expose Fake Humanitarian Group as FSA Terrorists Linked with Al-Qaeda


Numerous US Government Officials Caught On Camera Meeting With White Helmets and FSA Terrorists

Anonymous ID: 6593aa Oct. 28, 2018, 6:20 p.m. No.3645305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5543 >>5624 >>5681 >>5765

Regime Change In Riyadh? The CIA Has Just Publicly Dumped MbS


A fascinating FT article suggests Western intelligence agencies have now dumped Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman after he's been personally accused by world leaders — foremost among them Turkey's President Erdogan and US President Trump — for ordering the brutal murder and dismemberment of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Implicit in the article, rich with quotes from current and former US and Western intelligence officials, is the further suggestion that these very intel operatives appear to now be actively seeking MbS' ouster.


But the other fascinating aspect to FT's commentary is what it reveals about both the mainstream media and intelligence 'deep state' perspective on the kingdom and Middle East politics in general: a head of state is deemed good or bad insofar they are amenable to the goals of Western intelligence agencies. While this might be obvious to any student of the history of covert action in the 20th century, it is rare to see it acknowledged so out in the open in a mainstream publication. The FT article reads like a "bragging rights" competition over which crown prince could be better formed by US intelligence: MbS or his recently ousted cousin Mohammed bin Nayef (MbN)?


For the intelligence officials interviewed, some named but most unnamed, the ultimate problem is not that a sadistic crown prince just ordered that a prominent journalist be literally hacked up while still breathing, but that the resulting PR nightmare has damaged CIA and MI6 inroads into Riyadh.

Anonymous ID: 6593aa Oct. 28, 2018, 6:27 p.m. No.3645367   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Terrorists Accuse Russia Of Threatening “Democracy” In Central African Republic


Terroris groups operating in the Central African Republic (CAR) has demanded the CAR government to break ties with Russia because Moscow is threatening the “democracy” in the African country.


In a released statement, Abdulai Issen, one of the leaders of the CNDS (an alliance of the CAR terrorist groups previously known as Seleka), gave 48 hours to the CAR government and all other forces, including the Russians, to withdraw from the territory claimed by the CNDS.


He accused CAR President Faustin-Archange Touadera of participating in the conspiracy with “Russian mercenaries”, which is dangerous for the “democracy”. According to the CNDS statement, the Russian “mercenaries” in the CAR is headed by some “Valeri Zakarov”.


The terrorist group’s claims rapidly become widely popular in the French mainstream media. Paris sees the CAR, its former colony, as its sphere of intersts. So, it’s ready to employ a wide range of measures, including a direct support to the terrorists, in order to oppose the growing Russian influence. It’s expected that English-language mainstream media outlets and various Western goverments will soon join the terrorist-launched campaign to blame Russia for undermining “democracy” in the CAR.


On October 22, the Russian Foreign Ministry released a detailed comment on the mainstream media’s speculations about the Russian-CAR cooperation. It adressed Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation, which was approved by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on November 30, 2016.


“Russia will expand multidimensional interaction with African States both in bilateral and multilateral settings by improving political dialogue and promoting mutually beneficial trade and economic ties, stepping up comprehensive cooperation that serves common interests, contribute to preventing regional conflicts and crisis situations, as well as facilitate post-conflict settlement in Africa. Promoting partnership ties with the African Union and sub-regional organizations is an important element of this policy,” the document says.


The foreign ministry also pointed out that Russia is involved in political, economic and humanitarian cooperation with African states as well as assisting them in resolving internal conflicts and combating the terrorist threats, which has grown following the NATO intervention in Libya. In order to achieve these goals, Russia employs political-diplomatic measures and military-technical cooperation in the framework of Internaional Law and resolutions of the UN Security Council. Using its existing programs of military technical cooperation with African states, Moscow pays special attention to combating the terrorism in the region.


The ministry pointed out that Russian economic operators are active in Algeria, Angola, Egypt, Ghana, Gabon, Kongo, Mozambique, Nigeria, Ethiopia the South African Republic. It pointed out that the CAR government requested Russian support to strengthen the CAR Armed Forces. With the approval from the UN Security Council, the Russian Defense Ministry send a shipment of small arms and munition and deployed 175 instructors to train CAR servicemembers. Over 1,000 CAR servicemembers had been trained already. Russia is also planning deploy 60 more instructors to assist the CAR military.


The foreign ministry also pointed out the Russian-CAR cooperation to restore stability in the country has drawn attention of some foreign states, which are not contributing to the solution of the current crisis there.