Anonymous ID: 8c494d Oct. 28, 2018, 6:46 p.m. No.3645621   🗄️.is 🔗kun

On the anniversary of Q, I wanted to share my Q story & to thank the anon for helping to me find you guys

Last year, I was off work due to exacerbation of Multiple Sclerosis & a head injury. I'm a 50+ y/o Physical Therapist. I'd followed Breitbart & was very interested in Assange & Wikileaks. I was doing research on certain topics cross-referencing Crooked emails & Wikileaks. Nov/2017, In the comment section of a Breitbart article, an anon commented to me that I needed to check out 'Q' & gave me link to & stated to search Twit for Qanon or Q topics. I didn't have a Twit acct & didn't know how it worked.

I set up Twit acct, def followed Wiki & JA, lurked here etc. I did research after everyone went to bed b/c no one believed this 'Q' thing. I wasn't positive, but I thought if it makes you dig & search for truth it can't be bad.

Fast Forward: One week in 2018, I was on here going bonkers.From crumbs & research about disco & about 'playing games' I was suspect about my child's love of 'Panic @ the Disco' & spouse newfound hobby of playing tank war game (later learn my concern in this area was foolish). I also discovered that the initials GBT on Twit were all linked to child trafficking accts &/or satanic rituals & AWF initials were linked to accts selling drugs-mainly heroin & found that Crooked & Podesta emails had hidden links. Digging into one of the GBT accts following links there it literally said 'Falling down the rabbit hole' which led to images of Ivanka & her family on secret vacation, then disturbing child images.

I contacted FBI & DoJ, & I was freaking out what I'd found. Now my laptop (actually work laptop I still had) starts popping up this message 'Device not recognized' repeatedly. I'd been hacked. I tweet to JA acct what was happening, then JA tweets vid of M.I.A. Not realizing how twit works, I stupidly thought JA was talking directly to me-hindsite is 20/20 or some shit like that.

Family believes I'm bonkers from head injury or MS.

But, 4 weeks later twit sends 14 messages to my cell phone, all w different dates but came through on same date, saying my password had been changed & acct was compromised, originating in Saudi Arabia!


I told no one & stayed away from twit & chans for a few weeks

Anyway, thank you Q team for your sacrifice & patience with idiots like myself.