Anonymous ID: 0ec9da Oct. 28, 2018, 8:17 p.m. No.3646684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6771

From Darkness to Light was the patch for the 321st MI BN


They are now the 377th MI BN and have this patch

Illuminate the Truth


Lux ex Tenebris is Latin for Light From Dark

The Latin for the 377th is

Veritas Illuminate


Note that if you never knew the meaning of the word Illuminati, it should become clear now. These folks deal with REVEALING what is hidden. Revelations of secrets. Unveiling things. In Greek UNVEILING is Apocalipsis. Nothing scary about that unless you are an evil bastard with lots of secrets in which case the Apocalypse will seem like a catastrophe, the end of your world.


See how important your point of view is?

This is part of the secret that Norman Vincent Peale tried to teach in the book that is attached to this post. Read it. Then read it again.


It is truly MAGIC.

Anonymous ID: 0ec9da Oct. 28, 2018, 8:40 p.m. No.3646952   🗄️.is 🔗kun




If it is purely for research purposes,

If I were you,

Just for the sake of variety, mind you,

I'd try to Google something like this


nude "Mike Dowson"


I just tried that on Google image search

And scrolled right down to the "Show More Images" button

And every picture was the same sex

Consistent results….

Anonymous ID: 0ec9da Oct. 28, 2018, 8:57 p.m. No.3647142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7193



Satan is a shadow. Ask Plato what I mean.

The cult of con-artists, who profit in the shadows with smoke and mirrors, follow the shadow, of course. But they hunger for the light, not knowing it is right behind them. If only they would turn around!


Metaphors? One of those pairs cannot be carried over into the other. In a land of mirrors, you must reflect deeply as I did.


Freemasons are very real. They conceal IGNORANCE which is, coincidentally the very reason that you drink. But the reason that you post is THIRST. However, you drink from the wrong pool. Look closely at the image, study it, and its parts.


As I reflected on this scene

And watched the raindrops

Splashing in the pool of water outside

And causing a mist to rise

While the water in the sheltered pool

Under the eaves was still and glassy,

I noticed on this side of the window glass

An indoor pool…

Reflecting the mist from outside the glass


I heard the sound of one hand clapping

And it was a distinctive sound and I recognized immediately

The hand that clapped against the infinite

It was Donald J. Trump

And he was sending me a message

The most important message I had ever received

In my entire life

The short sharp message entered my consciousness directly

As I heard his voice shouting at me

Wake up!!!

It's time to go to work!

And so it was, and so I shall.

Anonymous ID: 0ec9da Oct. 28, 2018, 9:07 p.m. No.3647257   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Talk directly to God, yourself.

God created you. No intermediaries are needed. No formalities. Go within, and find the small, still voice within you.