Anonymous ID: 2259a4 Oct. 28, 2018, 8:14 p.m. No.3646643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6705 >>6789 >>6807 >>6857 >>6878 >>6890 >>6956

>>3646381 lb NOtables

>>3646383 lb NOtables

Okay Guise,

Told ya'll last bread we need to apply Autism to this, bottom [pic related]. I went to VIPAnon's twatter and THIS is what I see.[Pics related].

On Oct 27, VIP Anon Twats "Brand new van.. be interesting to see what WE find out about this guy". Notice the [WE] is in caps, he's one of us. Then…

Today he Twats "I will let the Anons figure this one out, that is their job, not mine.". So today, all of a sudden, WE are a THEY. WTF ANONS, need to dig deeper on this!?

Anonymous ID: 2259a4 Oct. 28, 2018, 8:38 p.m. No.3646920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6937 >>6969


>did you just "this" your own post?



Kek, I Should have called out muh own NOtable instead like the other faggots do,

Just want moar eyes on it,Kek!




>f (1)  No.3646857


>>>3646643 (You)


>It means he's anon not autist…


Why does it always seem that the ones that disagreeing fags only have one or two posts, ahh cuz muh lurker right?