Anonymous ID: 477b93 Oct. 28, 2018, 9:01 p.m. No.3647191   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Notables Update

A touch late, having trouble posting. Hope this gets through. I'll bake early. Anything missed let me know…


>>3647063 For Keks: Henry blasts the Donald Trump

>>3647091 Pro-Life Site Being Targeted By Leftist Deplatforming Campaign

>>3647022 POTUS To Deliver Speech On Immigration Tuesday

>>3646908 History and meaning of (((triple parentheses)))

>>3646847 , >>3646891 Husssein's WH last Halloween: Alice In Wonderland theme

>>3646834 Dem Mob interrupt moment of silence for Pittsburgh victims

>>3646805 , >>3646886 , >>3646886 Habbenings in Indonesia and Sri Lanka

>>3646650 Theory: What if the good guys quietly took over the DNC on day 1?

>>3646640 , >>3646577 Midterm voter enthusiasm reaching historic levels

>>3646615 HRC leaves door open for 2020 run: 'I'd like to be president'

>>3646594 , >>3646644, >>3646667, >>3646696 Lion Air plane crash updates

>>3646576 California based company offers paid protesting services

>>3646573 , >>3646581 Only 2 cartels have survived Mexico’s 8 year drug war

>>3646554 Microsoft all-in on the DoD's 10B cloud deal