Anonymous ID: 744856 Oct. 28, 2018, 8:39 p.m. No.3646940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6996 >>7032 >>7183


This is why israel is being saved for last.

As Q specifically stated.

"stand down"


jewish cabbalistic mentality allowed the tragedies of last 200 years to unfold.

treason and weakness is the byword.

delusion is the definition of jewry's existance.


DECEPTION, both external and internal.


(((+))) =/= (((Q+)))

only a delusional jewish mind like 2ed12c seeks to shut up other while its own mouth needs sewing up, for humanity.

Just look at (((msm))).


Guilty are guilty.

Evil is evil.

(((You))) are targeted for a good reason.

Cry harder, Autists and Patriots world wide forget nothing.

(((your))) weakness makes you the perfect NWO pawn.

You gleefully dance over the bodies of your own you slaughtered, as yesterday demonstrated aptly.

Bodies were still warm as your kind stream through here, kvetching, masturbating over their deaths as if christmas came early to you subhumans. FINALLY, an excuse to squelch and scream 'hate crime!'. 'OY VEY the ETERNAL VICTIM' 'DID YOU HEAR POTUS? WE ARE GOING TO HUNT DOWN ALL YOU ANTI SEMITES/REDNECKS/WHITES!'

Your kind declared racial war against the world yesterday, and we the whole world heard it loud and clear.

Time to put money where your mouth is.

Not everyone is as weak as (((you))).


  • ←— our next target. (((GS))) needs special treatment.

MOS will pay.

Anonymous ID: 744856 Oct. 28, 2018, 8:41 p.m. No.3646973   🗄️.is 🔗kun


can confirm. those little shit and their behaviors on here (deception, shilling) get more and more desperate daily.

It was fucking hillarious watching them desperately grasping at straws yesterday KEK


"did you hear POTUS?"

"oy vey goyim will die for this"

"oy vey jewz dndu nuffin"
